682 29 3

Published 3/28/19

I hated ice and fire and that was never going to change.

We moved onto the second test which was a grip strength test.

We moved into the gym for this test.

I held the grip device In my hand.  I gripped it as tightly as I could watching as the machine crumbled in my hand with a few sparks.

Maybe I gripped it to hard?? "Wow your super strong" I heard a girls voice next to me.  I looked next to me to see the girl from earlier with brown hair.

"I'm Uraraka Ochaco" she held her hand out to me.  I looked at it for a few seconds before bringing my hand up to hers.  Shaking it.

"I'm Galveston Maria" I told her remembering how to introduce myself correctly this time before removing my hand.

We moved onto the 3rd test the standing long jump.

I crouched down before jumping as far as I could using the wind to help me.  As I jumped I had left a small crater in the ground.

Test 4 was repeated side steps.

I got 123. Thses tests were easy compared to some of my training I've done.

The 5 test was the ball throw.  Which I had already done.

I had mostly zoned out for the ball throw until the green haird boy was up.  He was not doing so good in my opinion.  He had not used his quirk once.

I heard some of bakugou's and Iida's conversation. 

"Huh?  Of course not.  He's a quirkless small fry, you know" bakugou grumbled.

"Quirkless?!  Are you not aware of what he did in the entrance exam?"Iida asked shocked.

I had enough of bakugou's taunting of the poor green haired boy, I've been listening to him complain all day.  I marched my way up to bakugou.  Iida saw me coming with a dark look on my face. 

Taking a step back along with the others near bakugou. Bakugou turned around twords me.  With a pissed off look on his face.

I got closer to him pointing a finger in his face.  "Who the hell says you have to have a quirk to be a hero!? " I growled at him.  Shocking everyone.

"I don't know who you think you are boy, but let me tell ya something,  anyone can be a hero,  do you even know the definition of a hero?  huh?  A hero is a person who is admired for courage and outstanding achievements. Anyone can be a hero quirk or no qurik!  If i was Quirkless I'd rather be saved by someone with no quirk than a stupid, selfish person with a quirk!  A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength but by the strength of his heart!  Im 100% sure that, that, boy has a bigger heart than you ever will" I growled now completely in bakugou's face.  My nose touching his.

I was pointing at the green haired boy now.  Everyone was starring at me in shock because of what I said and I've been almost completely quite this entire time.

Since I've been alone, I've never snapped like I have now.  There is just something about this guy that just pisses me off so much.

Typhoon(Oc x Various BNHA Boys)Where stories live. Discover now