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"Hey there kid, been a while since I last heard from ya, thought you were dead or something" Jiraiya joked over the phone.

A small smile made it's way onto my face. "Sorry, been kinda busy with school" I apologized.

"So how has Japan been? Make any friends? Got a special boy yet?" He interrogated.

A frown made it's way to my face. "School is going good, so far I'm the number one student in my class" I confessed.

"That no surprise you were trained by yours truly. But you didn't answer my other questions" Jiraiya wanted answers.

"Jiraiya, you should know better than anyone how I am. You know how I see the world and it's people. Having too many bonds causes one to lose focus, weakening their strongest wish, their greatest desire." I stated emotionlessly looking at the ground my free hand clenched at my side in a tight fist.

"Kid, revenge is going to get you no where, I know you want to avenge your family but --" I cut Jiraiya off.

"my only goal in life is Revenge, for me ,revenge is everything, and failure is nothing" I growled.

"*sigh* so why'd you call me kid" Jiraiya gave up.

"I lost control again" I sighed out running my fingers through my hair.

"Your ok right?! No one got hurt or killed?!" Jiraiya demanded.

"I'm alright and no one was hurt" I told him walking over to my sliding door looking out watching people walk by.

"Good, so what happened, this is the first time in years" Jiraiya stated.

So I explained to him what had happened during hero training.

"Man kid sounds like you have some strong class mates, but maybe it would be smart and try to stay away from that todoroki kid" Jiraiya told me.

I nodded even though I know he can't see me. "Alright Jiraiya I'll try, thank you" I thanked him.

"No problem kid but why are you thanking me" Jiraiya asked confused.

"Just thanking you for always being there for me" I explained.

"Love ya kid, hope to see ya soon, if ya ever need me you have my number." Jiraiya stated.

" I know old man, love you to, bye you old pervert" I half joked hanging up but not before hearing him scream at me over the phone


I let out a sigh now starring at the black screen of my phone. My reflection starring back at me.

I closed my eyes and threw my phone onto the couch. I turned back to my sliding glass door and looked up at the sky.

Watching as the clouds slowly flew by. I wish I could be as carefree as a cloud. Free to go where the wind takes me, no worries.

I turned away and walked to my room. Slowly collapsing onto my bed my eyes shutting and darkness taking me over.

Typhoon(Oc x Various BNHA Boys)Where stories live. Discover now