540 21 7

Published 6/27/19

I was now back in the monitoring room with the rest of my classmates.   As soon as I walked through the door I was quickly surrounded by my overly excited classmates.  Most were congratulating me on my win,  or making excited comments about my quirk.

I had made sure to keep the small uper part of my burned arm hidden behind my hair,  making sure no one saw it.

"the MVP for this battle was young Galveston! Does anyone know why? " All Might exclaimed raising an arm into the air.

"Yes,  Mr. All Might. "Momo said raising her arm while she answers.

"That is because Galveston adapted to both bakugous and todorokis quirks. She had quickly assesd the situation and came out with the best logical plan. From what I saw, she used her Quirk to pinpoint bakugou and Todoroki's locations,  thus creating a plan of attack.  Even though in the end she did lose control of her Quirk and caused a lot of damage which could have caused civilian casualties if we were in a populated area" momo stated.

I was looking at the ground as she spoke,  my fists clenched at my side and my jaw clenched tightly shut.  I understood what she said completely.  If this was not training and there were civilians I could have seriously killed someone.

I glared at the ground,  that was the first time in over two years that I had lost control like that.  I thought I had it under control.

After momo spoke the room had gone quite. 

"You are correct! " All Might stated giving a thumbs up with his Signature Smile that never leaves his face.

Soon it was the end of training and we were all grouped up at the exit To leave the city.

I was positioned away from everyone. I felt like a ticking bomb,  that wanted to explode.  When I get home I would have to try and call a certain someone.

" good work everyone! We didn't have any major injuries other than young midoriya, either! You guys took this on seriously! You all did a good job for your first training!" All Might exclaimed.

We had all gone back on the bus and made it back to the school. All of us quickly heading to the separate changing rooms to change back into our school uniforms.

I had been very lucky that all the girls were too busy talking to one another to notice me quickly changing and covering up my burn scar.

Most of the students stayed in the classroom waiting for midoriya to come back.  But me I just needed to get back to my apartment and away from everybody I needed to calm down and call an old friend.

I almost practically used my Quirk to run out of the school as fast as I could.
I quickly made it back to my apartment and had locked my door and threw my backpack to the ground after getting my phone out.

After typing in the numbers I heard the line pick up after a couple rings.

"Hello" a deep voice on the other end asked.

"Hey there Jiraiya"

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