637 21 3

Published 4/19/19

I looked up at kirishima in shock,  completely speechless as to what had just happened.

He let out a loud laugh showing off his sharp shark like teeth. I felt my face start to heat up in embarrassment and I quickly stood back up and out of kirishimas arms. 

"S-SH-SHUT UP!  You-you stupid wanna be Rin matsuoka! " I exclaimed grabbing my bag off the ground before running into my apartment building and running up to my apartment.

Leaving kirishima with a questioning look on his face.  As he tried to figure out what I had just called him.

I slammed the door to my apartment shut and grabbed at my racing heart. It was beating wildly, I had never been that close to a boy my age before.

I usually stayed by myself and away from people unless I needed information.  I droped my school bag onto ths floor my hands reaching up to my head ruffling it. 

"Meow" I looked down at lulu bell who came walking up to me.  I gave her a small smile. 

"Hey girl,  miss me" I asked her heading into the kitchen to get her,  her food.  I got her a can of wet cat food setting it on the floor so she can eat. 

I went over to where I left my laptop sitting down on the couch.  I needed to focus on the main reason why I was in Japan.

I hacked into the police forces files and started scanning through all the documents looking for any hits on the man with red eyes.

There have been a few sighting but nothing useful.  But I did find a report on a sludge villian that was holding a kid hostage and destroyed a street, attached to the document was a picture.  I zoomed into the picture and my eyes widen,  the hostage was my classmate, It was bakugo.

How interesting,  I made another tab and went to YouTube and typed in sludge villian attack.  A few videos poped up,  I clicked the first one.  The video was not the best quality but it did serve it's purpose.

It showed a familiar head of green and black hair racing in with out even thinking to save bakugou.  But I'm quite curious,  why didn't izuku use his quirk.  I know that when he uses it,  it breaks his bones.  But he doesn't seem like the type of person to care about himself when it's to help others.

Izuku midoriya you have now caught my interest.

I let out a sigh looking out my window to see that it was not dark.

I looked at the time and saw it was 10:00pm.  Guess it was time for me to head to sleep.  I Got school tomorrow and I'm walking with kirishima.  I got up and headed to my room.  Lulu bell following me.

I changed into some shorts and tank top. Crawling into bed and under the covers.  Lulu bell coming to sleep next to my head. I slowly closed my eyes.

Typhoon(Oc x Various BNHA Boys)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora