15 Nightmare

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Warning this chapter contains child abuse, swearing, alcohol addiction, and rape. You have been warned

Published 4/26/19

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking them a few times. I slowly sat up and scanned the room. My body went Ridged.

This room, these walls, this smell. I was back in my old room at my old. house.

I slowly looked down at myself and saw I was a child again wearing a small white dress. I slowly slipped out of the bed, my tiny body shaking from fear.

My small hand reached up towards the door knob slowly turning it. Hearing a soft click.

Slowly pulling the door open half way, hearing a familiar squeak of the hinges. I peaked through the gap looking around for the man who caused me so much pain.

Seeing no one. I slowly pulled the door open fully, now stepping into the hallway.

The floor letting out squeaks from my weight. I froze when I reached the top of the stairs hearing the familier sound of a TV on.

I slowly made my way down the stairs, trying to make as little sound as possible. As I made it to the bottom of the stairs I slowly made it over to the living room. Hiding my body behind the wall. Only letting half of my face to glance around the corner.

There in his recliner with a beer in hand, was my number one demon.

My father

I glanced around him and saw multiple empty beer bottles laying on the floor.

My body froze as his cold eyes glanced over to my hidden form. I quickly pulled my head back around the corner and pressed my body flat against the wall.

Praying to god, that he didn't see me. But I guess god was not licensing to me.

"Oi you stupid bitch, why don't you make yourself useful and get me another drink" he called out.

I quickly ran to the kitchen, my small bare feet making little pitter patter sounds.

I reached the fridge and opened it, I glanced around frantically trying to find a beer. But nothing, we were all out.

I saw a bottle of water, quickly grabbing it. I ran back over to my father, coming to a slow walk.

I slowly, made my way into the living room, my head down. I held up my hands that held the bottle of water to my father.

"What the fuck?! Is this some kind of fucking sick joke?! " my father's angry voice shouted.

My body started to shake from fear, as I heard him stand up. His large figure towering over me.

I let out a small cry of pain as my long hair was grabbed and roughly pulled up. My small body left the ground, leaving me dangling by my hair.

My hands let go of the water I was holding letting it crash to the floor. My small hands frantically holding my scalp, trying to find relief.

My blue teary eyes met my fathers hate filled ones.

"I knew you were a useless bitch" he growled.

I only let out a soft whimper of pain.

"You wanna know what happens to useless bitches who can't follow directions" he asked gaining a sickening sadistic look on his face.

"I'm sorry papa, that's all we had! I'll do anything just please don't take me down there again! I'll be a good girl, I promise" I tried to plead with him.

"Shut up you stupid bitch" he yelled smacking me in the face.

My father set me on the floor still keeping a firm grip on my hair. He dragged me along the floor twords the basement stairs.

"Papa please I'll do anything" I cried again, my face covered in tears.

"Shut up you worthless piece of shit" he screamed at me! Opening the basement door.

He dragged me down the familiar steps. Soon my wrist and ankles were restrained by chains. They were so tight. My father now stood behind my small shaking form. I felt his large hands grab the back of my dress ripping the top of it.

I let my head hang loosely, watching my tears hit the concrete floor.

"Do you know why you are getting punished bitch" he demanded from behind me.

"I disobeyed your order" I whispered.

"That's right, and for disobeying me, do you know what's going to happen" he growled.

"I'm going to get whipped" I whispered in a broken voice.

"That's right" he growled again before I heard the familiar sound of the whip.

Soon pain exploded on my back. I let out a soft cry feeling the whip. Again and again I felt the whip strike me. I could feel the blood dripping from the wounds.

After a long time, just as I was on the verge of passing out, the whipping stopped.

I let out a small sigh of relief, it was over. Or so I thought.

"Hahaha, it's not over bitch, I wanna try a new type of punishment today" my fathers deep voice chuckled.

Then I heard the sound of a belt buckle being undone. And the remains of my dress being ripped off my body.


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