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Published 5/5/19

"NOOOO" I shot up in bed,  my body soaked in cold sweat.  My eyes scanning my room frantically for any sign of my father.

I slowly calmed down my racing heart.  I was hugging myself trying to get away the feeling of my father's hands on my body.  That memory was the number one worst of my father.

That memory was of the day my father took my innocence away from me. The very thing I wanted to save for the one I love.

I slowly slid out of bed,  my shaking legs leading me to the bathroom where I turned on the shower.  I turned the water on as hot as it could go.  Not even taking my clothes off,  I got in.

Slowly sitting down on the floor of the shower feeling the scolding hot water hit my skin. I wrapped my arms around my knees pulling them close to me,  feeling tears run down my face,  mixing with the water.

I don't know how long I stayed there for. Just sitting in the shower,  trying to burn away the feeling of my fathers hands. 

I felt the water start to grow cold and I slowly turned it off. Slowly getting out of the shower.  I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my soaked body.

I looked into the mirror and saw that my eyes were blood shot and I had bags under my eyes.  My body was a bright red from the hot water.

I made my way out into the living room looking at the clock on the wall,  seeing it was almost 7.

Kirishima would be here soon,  I needed to get ready for school and try to hide my dark bags under my eyes.

I headed back to my room,  stripping out of my soaked clothes,  using my quirk I used hot air to dry my hair. Quickly I slipped on my school uniform and leggings. 

I went back into my bathroom and grabbed my make-up bag.  After rummaging through it I found my concealer.  Quickly adding it onto my dark bags.  Soon they pretty much disappeared. After checking over my look and brushing my hair.  I thought I looked decent enough.

The only issue now was my bloodshot eyes.  I headed into the kitchen where I kept all my medicine. I grabbed my eye drops along with my pills out of one of the small cupboards.

Quickly Downing the pills dryly. I leaded my head back and added some eye drops to my eyes.  Quickly blinking. 


I looked down at my feet to see lulu bell looking up at me. Her head tilted to the side.

"Hey are you ready for school" I heard a voice shout from outside.  I quickly headed over to the pateo.  And looked down.  There was kirishima with the same big smile on his face.

"Almost,  just come on up,  I'll buzz you in" I called back down.

An that's exactly what I did.  After a few moments I heard a knock.

Typhoon(Oc x Various BNHA Boys)Where stories live. Discover now