Chapter 43 - Thinking about the future?

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Amelia's P.O.V

"Hey sleepyhead, wake up baby." I hear, warm breath skimming my ear

I slowly opened my eyes, stretching out in the king size bed, it was comfortable, never wanted to move. I turned around, being met with Ethan's beautiful face, smiling at me. He reached in, brushing the hair away from my eyes

"Good morning handsome." I said smiling back at him

I enjoyed wakening up to him, it made me happy and was a great start to the day.

"You always look very beautiful first thing in the morning." He whispered

He was acting differently. He was always sweet towards me but the way he has been acting recently it was completely different, in a good way. I was not sure how to explain it. I feel my cheeks heat up when he says that to me. You would think I would be used to it all by now, yet he still manages to make me blush. Ethan chuckled, moving in closer to me, pressing a soft kiss against my lips. I couldn't help myself but smile into the kiss. I loved his lips, have I mentioned that before? I think I possibly have. Ethan pulled away, keeping his place close to me. Our first night here had been amazing for everyone. Matt and Paris were FINALLY official...about time, YEAH! It was good the four of us hanging out, not worrying about anything.

I reached in, running my hand over his cheek and smiled. He really was beautiful and I was madly in love with him, no one can deny that. He still made my heart pound in my chest every time I lay my eyes on him...every time he was close to me. Ethan closes his eyes over, moving into my touch and his breathing became unsteady.

"I love you." I whispered

"I love you too baby girl, more than I think you realise." He said placing his hand on my hip, pulling me into him, our bodies pressing together.

He reached in, kissing me once more.

"I made you breakfast. Matt and Paris are away out for breakfast, never wanted to wake you, you looked peaceful and comfortable so decided you and I could have breakfast right here in bed." He smiled proudly

I couldn't help but giggled, he was too cute at times. I never thought he would be the one to make breakfast in bed, so not sure what to expect for breakfast, it was a very sweet jester all the same.

"You did?" I said

"I have chocolate chip pancakes, fresh fruit, orange juice and coffee." He said

I licked my lips, my stomach growling at the mention of food

"Yummy, sounds good." I said excited "What time even is it?" I added sitting up

"Better wait until you taste them first." He chuckled "It is close to eleven a.m.

"What? Seriously?" I asked shocked

Ethan nodded and laughed, sitting up next to me and making himself comfortable too. He passed me a tray with my food, a plate stacked with pancakes, a full bowl of fruit and an extra-large coffee. What does he think I am? I will never manage to eat all that, would try though. I got stuck straight in to the pancakes and damn they were good, best pancakes I have ever tried

"Oh My God baby these are amazing." I gushed looking at him

"They are? You aint saying that to make me feel good are you?" he asked

"No, it is the truth, they are amazing. Thank You." I smiled stealing a kiss

The dorkiest smile appeared on his lips when I told him that and he started too. A comfortable silence fell between us as we ate, the both of us nearly eating every last thing, both laying down full up. I was that stuffed I could barely move.

"I could get used to this." He said

"To what?" I asked rolling on my side to face him

Ethan done the same, letting us face each other again.

"This. You and I...spending our nights together, and wakening up next to each other in the morning. Breakfast in bed, making love under the stars." He said and I swear I see him blush as he did

"You could?" I asked, Ethan nodding "Me too." I added

Ethan pulled me into him, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. I pushed him onto his back, climbing on top of him and kissing him roughly. He knew where I was going with this. We may as well enjoy the alone time and work of the huge breakfast we ate.


Ethan and I were laying curled up in the bed after having sex, him holding me close.

"Amelia what is gonna happen when senior year is done?" he asked as he played with my hair

"What do you mean?" I asked resting my chin on his chest

"With us?" he asked

"You think that far ahead about us?" I asked surprised

"All the time. Wonder to myself everyday how this will work when you go back home or we go to college?" he asked "Why don't you?" he added

I could see the worry on his face

"I do think about that...a lot. Thought that was more of a girl thing, never realised guys do it too." I said

"I never thought guys done that either, until...well you." He smiled "Do you have enough faith in me to believe we can make it work no matter what?" he added

"I like to think so." I smiled "I find it very sweet that you think that far ahead for us." I added

"Oh baby girl you don't know half of what I think about us." He said winking

"Please share?" I giggled

"Nope! Maybe another day...another day soon...promise." He said smirking at me

"You are mean, you can't say something like that and then not finish." I said pouting

That usually works on him, never seemed to be this time, instead he reached in pecking my lips softly before reaching down to grab his boxers and tee, pulling them on and passing me mine. Probably better cause Matt and Paris could be back at any time.

"Come on let's grab a quick shower before they get back baby. Wash the sex and shame off us." He laughed, reaching his hand out for me to take

I happily took it, Ethan pulling me to my feet and leading us into the shower. I will get it out of him on what he meant. I really wanted to know, what does he think about when he thinks about us and where this is going? It sounded to me that he thinks we have a future and I really hope we do but maybe that is something we can think about nearer the time.



How are we all doing? Sorry for the delay AGAIN :( 

Do you think he will tell her soon what he was meaning? 

Not many chapters left of this book, maybe another five or 

something, we will see how it goes lol. 


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