Chapter 26- "I am crazy about you."

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Amelia's P.O.V

"I should probably head home cause if Matt comes back and I aint there then he is gonna ask questions." I said

I never wanted to move, I felt content where I was...wrapped in Ethan's arms in his bed, nothing but his tee on, I was comfortable. But it was already 1am, Matt could be home at any time and I don't wanna go in too late in case I wake my Aunt up since her room is down the hall from mine.

"I know wish there was a way you could just stay here with me for the night." he said looking down at me, a sad look in his eyes

"Me too too. But that aint gonna happen until he knows." I said

And I knew that was not gonna happen anytime soon.

"We will tell him...promise, just don't know the right time." He sighed

I nodded, snuggling into him and sighed to myself. It is hard enough sneaking around as it is, don't know how it is gonna happen when we are all at school since no one else can know. It was gonna be even harder cause I know how girls are with him and when at school it is gonna be easier for them to flirt with him. I know I shouldn't be worrying about that but couldn't help myself.

"I should really move now before I decide not too at all." I said pulling away from him and sitting up, Ethan following my lead

"I will come with you, will crash there." He said

I couldn't help but smile widely since that met I got some extra time with him.

"Yeah!" I said excited, making Ethan laugh

I stuck my tongue at him before pulling myself out of the bed and deciding to find my clothes, pulling them on and I could feel Ethan watching my every move. I looked over my shoulder at him, winking before giggling and turning away from him again.

"Tease!" he laughed

I shrugged, giggling again and Ethan finally moved too, getting himself dressed.

"Come on then, we better get you home baby." Ethan said taking my hand in his as we headed out to my car

I was hoping Matt was still out or Ethan and I would be in trouble. Once we pulled up outside we sat in the car, neither of is seeming in any rush to go in but the longer we sat here, the better chance of Matt catching us so would be best if we moved now. I sighed

"Come on then." I said

Ethan nodded, the two of us heading in and luckily the house was silent and dark...Matt must not be home, can relax now.

"Fancy some company?" Ethan asked "We can listen for Matt coming back." He added

"Yeah sure, you wanna go into the living room or one of the rooms?" I asked

"Maybe safer in the living room?" he laughed

I nodded, he had a point. The two of us headed into the living room, putting the TV on at a low volume and snuggled up on the sofa. I closed my eyes over, smiling to myself. I could get used to this. I soon felt Ethan's warm lips on my neck

"What is on your mind?" he whispered in my ear

I turned around so I was facing him, reaching in and stroking his cheek

"Can't tell you, it's a secret." I giggled

"Come on, tell Me." he said prodding my nose playfully

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