Chapter 11- Willing to try and messing up

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Ethan's P.O.V

Amelia had fallen asleep cuddled into me on the sofa. I could have spent the full night making out with her cause I liked how it made me feel but I knew I had to stop because I never wanted her to feel like we were rushing things. She was so innocent and had a lot to learn. I needed to take my time with her, something I NEVER do. I am usually a hooking up kind of guy. The way I was with Amelia I have never been with anyone else and to be honest it was freaking me out. I found myself wanting to spend all my time with her. She was pulling me in quickly. I looked down at her, smiling to myself the way she seemed to fit perfectly into every curve of my body. Her head was on my chest, her fingers linked through mine. I reached in stroking her hair softly, she let out a soft groan snuggling in closer to my body but she never woke.

"I don't know how this is gonna go Amelia but I am willing to find out." I whispered

I was tired myself, as much as I wanted to fall asleep with her in my arms I could not do that cause then Matt would be home at some point. He found me that way with his Cousin I would be a dead man for sure. I never wanted to move but it would be safer if I did. I slowly moved her, laying her head down on a pillow and sliding away from her.

"Ethan?" she whispered tiredly

I crouched down in front of the sofa. She slowly opened her eyes looking at me

"Sorry baby girl, had to move in case Matt comes back." I said sadly

"Oh...Ok." She said sadly

I felt bad for moving, knew she understood though. I reached in, pushing her hair away from her eyes

"Sorry beautiful, I wish I could have stayed put." I whispered

"It's OK, I understand." She said giving me a small smile

"Go back to sleep baby." I said, reaching in and kissing her softly for a moment before pulling away

"Hmm." She mumbled out, soon falling back asleep

I smiled, she looked cute when she slept. I stroked her cheek once more before kissing her forehead and got myself settled for the night. I knew I would get woken up soon when Matt comes home, the guy does not know how to be quiet. Even if I did sleep through him coming in he would wake me up to tell me all about the party once I left. And as I was thinking these things I heard him come in, go into the kitchen before staggering his way down to the basement, he was wasted.

"Dude why did you leave?" he asked, his voice loud

"Shh Amelia is sleeping." I said hushing him

"Why are you alone with my cousin?" he asked suspiciously

Shit! I never thought this one through did I? I need to think fast

"We were playing the Xbox and she fell asleep on the sofa, never wanted to wake her." I said

He studied me closely

"That better be the truth." He said

"It is. How was the rest of your night?" I asked

"Good, great actually. Hooked up with that girl I making out with." He winked

I laughed, shaking my head. I should have known he would have hooked up with someone. If Amelia was not there I would probably have done the same thing. Matt made his way over to his bed, sitting on the edge

"Is she still mad at me?" he asked sadly looking at Amelia

"I don't know buddy. You can talk to her in the morning." I smiled

"Yeah. I should never have done that in front of her." He said "Why did you leave? Sofia was looking for you, wanting a repeat of the other night." he added with a smirk

Sofia's a girl we went to school with, I had hooked up with her a few times. She always came to me when she and her boyfriend broke up which was something that happened at least every other week. She wanted comfort...I wanted to get laid, it worked well for us both.

"Wasn't in the mood. Guess her and Jason broke up again?" I laughed

"Obviously dude, she always comes to you when that happens." He laughed

I chuckled, nodding my head in agreement. Matt told me about the rest of the night, it sounded like a good night but I would still have rather been here with Amelia. I looked over to the sofa, smiling when I see her still fast asleep. I was quick to pull away before Matt realized what I was doing.

"That right. You and I got a double date tomorrow night with Chelsea and Maddie." He said with a smirk

"What? Why would you agree to that?" I asked annoyed

"Cause you have been after Maddie for a while, here is your chance. I thought you would be excited about it, what is wrong with you? Are you seeing some chick that I don't know about?" he asked eyeing me suspiciously

"What of course not, what do you take me for? I have been after her for a while haven't I?" I said through gritted teeth

I hated that I was saying these things because Amelia was in the room. Yes she was sleeping but I still hated doing it. Maddie was the sister of one of the girls at school, I had been after her for a while but she told me no cause I was a year younger than her. She was the first girl to ever reject me which made me chase her more and now here she is gonna give me a chance and it is the last thing I want to do.

"That you have. You are finally gonna get to fuck her, she seemed very interested, apparently she has heard from a few girls how much of a good lay you are, making her wanting to find out herself." He laughed

I hear Amelia move, making me turn my attention to her. She was awake, sitting up and looking at me, a sadness to her as she did. Shit! She must have heard our conversation.

"I am going to my bed. Night." with the she walked out without another word

Matt and I looked at each other

"I guess she is still at me." Matt sighed

I never responded to him cause I know it was nothing to do with Matt, she walked away cause of things I was saying. Fuck! I have messed this up already without us even having a chance. Matt climbed into bed, soon falling asleep. I however was not close to sleeping because I was worrying about Amelia. I reached in, grabbing Matt's phone, typing in his passcode and scrolling through his contacts, finding Amelia's and quickly saving it into my phone before putting Matt's phone back where I got it from.

I lay down, opening a text

To Amelia: Are you OK? You rushed off? Its Ethan, stole your number from Matt's phone x

I stared at phone, hoping she would text me back but the longer I waited the less I believed that was gonna happen. Then it did

Amelia: You and Matt were talking, thought would leave you too it

Ethan: About that I never meant any of that. I only said those things cause Matt was getting suspicious xx

Amelia: You don't need to explain yourself to me Ethan, you are single and it is none of my business what you do

I knew she was saying these things cause I had upset her. I decided I never wanted to discuss this through text message anymore. I sneaked out of the room, heading upstairs to Amelia. This seems to be something I am becoming good at, showing up in her room. I needed her to know I was not going on the date, would find a way to get out of it. Only thing is though I don't know if she will believe me.


Hello peeps hehe. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do you think Amelia will forgive him? 

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