Chapter 3- Busted

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Amelia's P.O.V

It was 3am and I was wide awake, I ended up falling asleep after my shower for five hours hence why it is 3am and I am still wide awake. My aunt was sound asleep, Matt still not home for the party. My aunt waited up until midnight but she was used to him breaking his curfew. She never got mad about it though cause she knew he was still hurting. I was laying on the sofa, reading a book, not wanting to put the TV on in case I woke my aunt. I was getting right into when I heard keys in the door, telling me that was Matt home.

"Shhh they will be sleeping." I heard Matt say, trying to whisper but doing a terrible job of it

"Can I go wake Amelia up?" I heard someone say in a chuckle, recognised that chuckle anywhere...Ethan, he must have been with Matt

"Dude no. Stay away from her. She is too sweet for you, you would ruin her and turn her bad. I would like to keep my cousin the way she is." I heard Matt say

"Sorry, I can't help it. I will try my best to stay away from her...promise." I heard Ethan reply

I giggled to myself cause they had no clue I was in the living room and could hear everything there were saying to one and other.

"What is it with you and Amelia? You have been asking me questions about her all night?" I heard Matt say, sounding annoyed now

He has been talking about me all night? Why?

"I don't know. I feel kind of drawn to her." He said

"Well whatever it is, get over. You know the rules. No dating or hooking up with each other's family members...sisters or cousins." Matt said

"I know. I will stay away from her, promise." I hear Ethan reply

I lay there, not moving or saying a single word. I was hoping they would not come into the living room cause if they did they will know I heard everything and my face would give me away even if I tried to deny I heard what they were saying.

"Good. You hungry?" Matt asked

"Very." Ethan replied

"OK. You go into the living room, I will grab us something." Matt said

Crap! I am gonna totally get busted. I hear footsteps getting closer to the living room. I closed my eyes, pulling the blanket over my face, hoping somehow it would make me invisible to him, let's face it though that aint gonna work.

"Amelia why you hiding? I can see you." I heard Ethan laugh

I slowly pulled the covers away from my face, looking up at him with a fake smile on my lips.

"Um...hi." I replied nervously

"Hi. Why you still up?" he asked

"Fell asleep after my shower for hours, now can't get back to sleep." I giggled

He gave me a small nod, before lifting my legs, sitting down and placing my legs over his lap, turning to face me

"How much of that did you hear? And don't tell me nothing cause I know that will be lies." He said, his fingers making small circles on my legs

"Everything." I whispered

"Oh...OK." He said, sounding nervous rather that confident the way he did earlier today

Ethan leant back on the sofa, resting his arms over my knees, a silence filling the room. I hear him sigh, sensing he wanted to say something but was not too sure if he should. I was not sure if I wanted to know what he wanted to say.

"I made a promise to your my best mate Amelia, though if I am being honest with you I don't know if I will be able to keep that promise to him." He sighed, his eyes locking with mine

He really was breathtakingly beautiful. His eyes were staring deeply into mine. It seemed like he was waiting for me to respond to what he said to me. I never knew how too. I have never been in this situation before now. Also I could never go behind Matt's back that way, it would be wrong. I stared back at him the same way he was staring at me. I could not help myself getting lost in those eyes. I don't know what was going on right in this moment, all I knew is that is what we were doing...sharing a moment.

"I...I...don' expect me to s...say." I breathed out, making a complete fool of myself once again

"You don't need to say anything, not right now anyway." He said with a small smile

I nodded. We heard Matt coming out of the kitchen, heading to the living room which made Ethan quickly pull away from me, moving over to sit on the chair. He just got sat down when Matt walked in, snacks in hands for the both of them

"What you still doing up dork?" Matt laughed

"Can't sleep. How was the party?" I asked

"It was alright. We are gonna go down to the basement and play some Xbox, you wanna come?" he asked

"Is it not a little late, won't you wake your mum up?" I asked

"No, the basement is sound proof, she won't hear a thing." He smiled

I nodded, deciding to go with them cause I knew I would not be falling asleep anytime soon. I stood, wrapping the blanket around me to cover myself up since I was only in a nightie. Matt walked in front, Ethan and I close behind.

"We can talk when I can get you alone." He whispered

"Talk? About what?" I asked

"About everything you heard Matt and I speak about." He said

Oh that is what he wants to talk about? I don't get it, he barley knows me, and how could he be that interested in me?

"OK." I said timidly

"Looking forward to it beautiful." He winked before catching up with Matt

I stayed behind, taking my time, wanting to process all the information in my head and get myself back into sorts after my conversation with Ethan. I was sort of hoping he would not find a way to be alone with me. I don't know what I would even do if that happens. I can barely say hi to him without turning into a stuttering mess.

I soon arrived at the basement, also known as Matt's bedroom. The place was huge, he used to have a bedroom upstairs then my Uncle Tom renovated the basement for him to give him more room and privacy. Matt and Ethan took a seat on the floor while I took a seat on the sofa that they were leaning against. I sat curled up in one corner, snuggling the warm blanket against my body.

"You can play the winner. Are you still as good at this?" he said referring to the game Halo they were playing

"Yup. I will still be able to kick both of your asses." I giggled

"Game on." Ethan said looking up at me from the floor "You will never beat me." he added

"You want a bet?" I smirked

Boys you don't know how much of an ass whooping you are both gonna get. 


And here is chapter 3...Enjoy ;). Will try my best to get chap 4 up before I jet off on holiday but if not will defo update a few chapters when I get back. Please share your thoughts. Do you think Amelia and Ethan will mange to stay away from each other?

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