Chapter 40 - Lies, doubt and making plans

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Amelia's P.O.V

I was waiting by my car for Matt, Ethan and Paris, it was the end of the school day and we now officially had four days off school, the four of us heading up to Ethan's parents lake house for a couple of days to get away. The four of us had been hanging out a lot the last couple of weeks, Matt and Paris were properly dating without actually saying it, the two of them were so darn cute together. I looked at my watch, wondering what was taking them as long. I looked up, seeing one of the guys from the football team, Colton I think his name was. I was a little confused on why he was coming over to me, we have not even as much as said hello to, he was an asshole and one arrogant guy. Matt and Ethan hated him, I mean hated him.

"Hey gorgeous." He smirked

I looked around, wondering if maybe he was talking to someone else, there was no one else around, must be me

"Um...hi?" I said confused on why he was talking to me

"You still with Ethan?" he asked

"Not like that is any of your business but yes Ethan and I are still together why?" I asked

He stepped in closer to me, getting a little too close for comfort. I was quick to move away from him, he was up to something and I never wanted to find out what.

"I think you should let me take you out on a date?" he said seeming slightly smug

"Not going to happen. I have a boyfriend remember?" I said annoyed that he would even ask me that

"For how long though? Ethan aint one for settling down, he will get bored with you in time and deep down you know that. Guys like him and your cousin Matt don't settle Amelia. Both you and Paris are gonna end up with broken hearts." He said

What is this guy all about? He has never spoke to me now here he is trying to get me to go on date with him? Pretending to be concerned? He is clearly playing some sort of game.

"You do not know what you are talking about." I said

"Yes I do and you know it. Ask around Amelia, you will soon find out Ethan has not been as well behaved as you think." He said, trying to fight a smirk

I know whatever he was trying to make out was lies. How do I know this? Cause Ethan and I spent most of our time together, plus I trust him. If he said this to me a few weeks ago then yes maybe I would believe him, not now though.

"How about you just leave me alone?" I said glaring at him

He never listened instead he stepped in closer, trapping me between him and my car.

"How about you agree to go on a date with me and leave him before he leave you?" he said reaching his hand up, running his hand over my cheek.

I shivered in disgust with him even touching me. What makes him think he can do that? I was quick to pull his hand away and pushed him away from me.

"Get away from me you creep. I do not want to go anywhere with you." I hissed

"Your loss sweetheart. You should speak to Sofia, she will tell what exactly Ethan has been doing behind your back." He said smugly before walking away

Sofia? I know she and Ethan have a history, she is the one that always used to call him for a hook up when she broke up with her boyfriend. She was really beautiful. For a moment I found myself doubting it, doubting him and I hated myself for it. I know she broke up with her boyfriend again only a couple of weeks ago. No why am I even considering this? That asshole has got inside of my head.

"Hey baby you OK? What did he want?" Ethan said appearing in front of me

"To be an asshole and try mess with my head." I said

"Baby girl what did he say to you?" He asked

I told Ethan everything he said to me, not leaving anything out. I was not one for lying. I see anger and jealously fill his face when I told him especially when I told him about him asking me on a date.

"He fucking what? I am gonna fucking kill him." He growled going to go after him

I never wanted any drama, never wanted Ethan to get into trouble. I grabbed him, stopping him and pulling him back to me. He was tense and angry. I pulled him into me, reaching up and kissed him softly, Ethan soon seeming to relax when I did. Once we pulled apart

"You know it is all lies right? About Sofia? I would never do that to you baby I love you too much." He said, a worried look in his eyes

"I know he is only trying to cause trouble. I love you too." I said smiling at him

I knew he was telling me the truth which made me feel even worse for doubting him even for a moment. Ethan placed his hands on my hips, pulling my body in against his own and pressing his lips onto my own. I whimpered loudly, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him back. He pushed my back against my car, the two of getting lost in the kiss, both forgetting that we were outside of school.

"Don't make me get a bucket of cold water." We heard behind us, quick to pull apart knowing it was Matt

Ethan winked at me before turning around to face Matt. I looked over a little embarrassed that he has caught us again. He was not alone, he was with Paris and they were hand in hand which made me smile. I just wish he would ask her to be his girlfriend already.

"When you wanna hit the road?" Matt asked

"I don't mind." I said

"How about we head up later today, maybe about six least that way we can have three full days there?" Ethan suggested

"I like the sound of that. But remember Amelia you will need to pick me up since my parents think it is only a girls weekend, they would kill me if they knew the truth." Paris giggled

"That is fine. I can swing by pick you up then we can pick the guys up at Ethan's." I said

Everyone agreed to this plan, hopefully it work out and she will not get caught in and get into trouble. I was excited for the weekend away just the four of us, will be good plus it gives my Aunt some time to herself to relax as well and have some time with her friends. Maybe this weekend would give Matt the chance to man up and actually ask Paris what he really wants to.

"Well I am gonna drop Paris off home, you want me to drop you off on the way Ethan or is Amelia taking you home?" Matt asked

"I will go with Amelia. Will see the two of you in a couple of hours." Ethan said

Paris and Matt headed off, Ethan and I getting into my car.

"I can't wait to get away this weekend with you baby. The place in incredible, can't wait to show you around, steal you away for myself, you are gonna love it." Ethan said excited reaching over, grabbing my hand

"I can't wait baby." I said matching his excitement

I know the four of us would have a good time.


Hello everyone, 

I hope we are all well :D 

What did you think about Colton? He is a bit of an ass isn't he? 

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