Chapter 18- Movies and exploring new things

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Amelia's P.O.V

"Where you off to Dork?" I heard Matt say

I froze, panicking a little. I was just hope he would believe my lie I was about to tell him

"Just going exploring. What is your plans for the rest of the day?" I said giving him my best smile

"OK Cool. Not a lot gonna meet up with a special friend in a bit." He said with a wink

"Eww! I do not need to know that. You are disgusting." I said laughing and shaking my head

"I am male, I got needs cuz." He said with a wink before walking away

My cousin was a male whore...a proud one at that. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my thighs and saying goodbye to my Aunt before heading out. I grabbed my phone, texting Ethan

Amelia: Hey that has me just left see you soon x

Ethan: Looking forward to it. I will pick you up the same place I dropped you off. See you soon baby xox

I giggled, feeling myself blush as I read the text message. I made my way to where we arranged to meet. Ethan pulling up only seconds later. I looked around quickly before jumping into his car, Ethan soon driving off, not wanting there to be a chance we will get seen.

"Did you get out OK?" He asked

"Yes Matt asked where I was going, told him I was going exploring, think he believed me." I said

"I am sorry you need to lie to him Amelia I know you hate it." he said reaching over, giving my hand a quick squeeze

"It is OK. I just don't know how long I can do it." I sighed

He lifted my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles

"I know, I don't wanna do it either but for right now it is our only choice." He said

I knew he was right but that don't stop me from feeling bad for doing it but at the same time I don't wanna stay away from Ethan either.

"I know." I said turning to him, giving him a small smile

We soon pulled up outside his house again, Ethan running around and helping me out the car. He linked his fingers with mine, leading us into his house. As soon as he closed the door, he turned to face me, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into him...kissing me sweetly. I let out a groan, not expecting it. I soon kissed him back, bringing his body closer to mine. Once we pulled apart, he looked at me smiling widely

"I wanted a kiss, couldn't exactly do it outside in case someone seen us." He said

"Hmm." Was all I manged to get out still a little taken back with that kiss

Ethan chuckled before taking my hand again and leading me into the house. He walked me through it until we reached the living room, leading me over to the sofa, sitting down and pulling me down next to him.

"What movie you wanna watch?" he asked "What kind of movies do you like?" he added

"I like rom-coms and action movies." I smiled widely

"The movies are over there, go have a look and pick what you want. I will grab us some snacks and duvet." He said winking at me

I nodded, heading over to where the movies were while he disappeared into his kitchen. I made my way through them, deciding on a Rom-Com Never been kissed, one of my all-time favourite movies...must be his mothers. Don't think he seems like the type to own that movie.

"What did you choose?" he asked appearing back a few minutes later with snacks in his hands

"Never been kissed." I said proudly

Ethan chuckles, rolling his eyes and shaking his head

"You are such a chick." He laughed

I shrugged, sticking my tongue out at him, giggling. He took his place back on the sofa. I put the DVD in, soon joining him. As soon as I did he pulled me into him, wrapping his arm around me and placing the duvet over the top of us. I snuggled into him, placing my hand on his chest. I hit play in the movie and a comfortable silence fell between us. As much as he wouldn't admit it he was enjoying it...he was in engrossed in it. I watched him for a moment, smiling to myself. He really was beautiful, every part of him. I swallowed hard as I done this, still trying to come to terms that someone like him could like someone like me. I am still waiting to wake up and for all this to be a dream. I know that sounds such a cliché but it was the truth.

"Amelia is there a reason you are watching me?" he said turning to me, a small smirk playing on his lips

Busted! I quickly pulled away, turning back to the movie

"Sorry." I whispered out

"Don't be. I don't mind you watching me like that." He said

I turned my attention back to him, to find him looking at me. His eyes gentle...his smile wide. It made my heart flutter a little. I gave him a shy smile, my eyes soon falling on his lips.

"Well go on then?" he said smirking

"Uh?" I asked confused

"You wanna kiss do it." he said smugly

I could have denied it but there would be no point cause he would see right through my lies. I moved from my spot, turning to get better access to his hips. I slowly inches into him...Ethan moving and closing the small space between us, letting our lips meet. As soon as his lips touched mine I got that strange feeling in my stomach again what I have come to believe is desire, the same feeling I get anytime he kisses me. Ethan moved his hands to my hips, pushing me down on the sofa and climbing on top of me, his lips not leaving mine once. I let out a throaty groan feeling his body close to mine again. It done things to me...things I don't know how to explain. Things soon became heated and I found myself wanting more from him...not like sex, I just mean I want him to touch me in places he has not yet touched.

Once we pulled apart to catch our breaths I looked up at him, grabbing his hand and placing it at the bottom of my tee, sliding it underneath. I shivered as I felt his rough fingers tips on my stomach. I reached into his ear

"Touch me?" I whispered in his ear

Ethan let out a grunt before looking at me

"Where?" he asked, seeming a little breathless

"Everywhere." I whimpered

"Are you sure?" he asked

"Yes I want you too. I wanna feel your hands on me...I need it...I need more." I breathed out

"OK, in one condition?" he said

"Yeah?" I asked, curious on what his condition was

"If you feel uneasy at any time tell me OK?" He said, stroking my cheek

"I promise." I replied, reaching for the bottom of my tee, pulling it over my head

Ethan let out a loud moan when he seen me half naked laying below him. I was nervous, never been this was in front of anyone before but I wanted to with him...I need something from him. I was just hoping I wouldn't get to lost and push my own limits.


Hello how are we all? Still here? Lol. Hope you enjoyed the update. The next chapter will continue from  where this one finished  


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