Chapter 7-

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Amelia's P.O.V

Ethan had been avoiding me since the kiss we shared this morning, he has not as much at looked at me when he has been in the same room. I however could not get the kiss out of my head. I could not get the feeling of it to leave my lips. I know I should have responded better but the kiss made me speechless and weak, his lips done something to me that I cannot explain.

"Millie sweetie you OK?" I heard my Aunt's voice say, pulling me out of thought

I was sitting in the living room, silence staring at four walls. I had been doing this for the last two hours, everything going on in my head at once. I looked up at her, smiling and nodding but she could see right through me. She made her way over to me, sitting down next to me.

"What is wrong sweetie?" she asked

"Nothing, it's silly." I said shrugging

"Has it to do with Ethan?" she asked

I went to lie, the stern look on her face made me change my mind. I nodded, turning away from her. She placed her hand on my knee

"What happened? You looked very cosy this morning." She said

With her words I soon turned back around to face her, panic taking over

"I swear nothing happened. We were talking and fell asleep. I am sorry, I had no right letting that happen." I panicked

"Millie sweetie I know nothing happened, I know you. I know all you done was sleep, so please stop freaking out as much, I am not your parent's sweetie." She said giving me a small

My Aunt knew what my parents were like, how strict they were, how I was not allowed to do much and had too many rules to follow. I know she is not like that but to me panicking that was a natural response for me.

"I know, sorry." I said

"It's OK. What happened? Why do you look sad?" she asked worried

"We kissed. Once we kissed I never said anything and he took that as me not liking it and he has not spoken to me since. I know it should never have happened especially since he is Matt's best friend." I said

"Was he right, did you not like it? I understand how you are worried about Matt, if anything was to happen he would come around eventually." She said

I sighed, running my hands through my hair

"I liked it, very much. It done strange things to me that simple kiss that is why I never said anything, I was too shocked to say anything. I don't want Matt to hate me or fall out with Ethan. Anyway I don't need to worry about that, don't think Ethan is that interested to be honest especially with the way he has been today. Maybe it is for the best." I shrugged, acting like I do not care when I really do

"Sweetheart he likes you, there is no doubt about it. If it is meant to be then it will work out how it is meant to." She smiled giving my knee a squeeze

I smiled, nodding...not sure if it was the truth or not, guess time would tell. I need to stop worrying about it cause it has took too much of my day up already.

"Wanna help me make dinner?" She asked

"Yes sure thing." I smiled

My aunt and I headed into the kitchen to start dinner for the four of us, Ethan not seeming to be in any rush to get home. As we made dinner we chatted, catching up with each other's days. I was trying to concentrate on what I was doing, easier said than done. I was preparing the salad for dinner when I heard footsteps come into the kitchen, making me look up. I was met with Matt and Ethan coming on. I decided to look away, not needing to feel rejected again by Ethan when he looks right through. The two of them spoke to my Aunt, I kept my head down, getting on with what I was doing and not saying a single word.

"You boys going out tonight?" My Aunt asked

"Yes, there is a bonfire down by the old parking lot tonight." Matt said

"Please be careful, both of you OK?" My aunt said

"Yes mum." Ethan and Matt said in sync, making my Aunt giggle

I felt a presence in front of me, stealing a carrot from the chopping board and making me look up. I was expecting it to be Matt, surprised when I see it is Ethan in front of me, smiling at me. Now he is talking to me? I rolled my eyes, turning away from him.

"Hey you mad at me?" he whispered, only loud enough for me to hear

"Yes, you have been acting like I am invisible anytime you came into the same room as me." I said looking at him

"I know, I'm sorry." He said "Forgive me please?" he added with a cheeky smile on his lips

I shrugged, trying to stop my own smile from creeping on my lips.

"You should come to the bonfire with us tonight?" he asked

"No thanks." I replied

I was not ready or settled enough to go socialize, it was not something I tended to do back home. I knew I would need to eventually cause I promised, plus I start school in a couple of weeks too, will need to be social in some sort of way.

"What you two whispering about?" We heard Matt ask appearing beside us

"Nothing. I was just asking if she wanted to come with us tonight." Ethan said

I went to tell Matt what my answer was to Ethan's question, Matt had other ideas

"She is coming, end of. She needs to live a little. I aint taking no for an answer." Matt said sternly, looking at me

I knew there would be no point in arguing with him cause he would win due to how stubborn he was, he got that from his dad. I wriggled my nose, rolled my eyes before nodding. Matt smiling like an idiot at me all cause he won before I even had a chance to fight. I see Ethan smiling too.

"Boys dinner will be ready in an hour, finish up what you are doing and set the table." My Aunt said

The boys done as they were asked without fighting it, heading back down to the basement, leaving my Aunt and I to finish up dinner. I could see out the corner of my eye my Aunt looking at me

"Everything sorted?" she asked

"Maybe, don't really know. Least he is speaking to me now." I giggled

"Yes. I am telling you Millie he likes you, no matter how much you or him deny it." she said confidently

I stick my tongue out at her, making us both giggle. I don't know if tonight would be a good idea. I did say to myself new start didn't I? I guess I can only wait see what happens. 


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