Chapter 22- Making it official

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Amelia's P.O.V

Ethan and I were still laying on my bed, just cuddling and chatting. I was not quite expecting us to be official especially this quickly since this is all new to me and well he is not exactly the type for being exclusive, yet here we were.

"Hey baby you OK? You have fell silent." He asked

I looked up at him, smiling

"I am fine. So does that makes how do you put it...exclusive?" I asked my cheeks heating as I did

I was worried in case I was getting a little ahead of myself...yes he said he only wants me if I will have him but he never actually said the words exclusive, that is why I was wondering.

"You are too cute." He chuckled "But yes that means we are exclusive. You gonna make me ask?" he added laughing

I giggled, then smirked at him.

"Yup. You need to ask or it doesn't count." I said trying to keep a serious face but there was a smile creeping on my lips

He chuckled, shaking his head and rolling his eyes playfully at me. I couldn't resist getting him to ask me. I wanted to see how he would react since by the sound of things he has never actually asked someone to be his girlfriend.

"Amelia will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, the nervousness clear to hear in his voice, his cheeks turning a little red

I bit down on my lip to stop myself from giggling with how nervous he is cause at the same time I found it really sweet. I moved my body, climbing on top of him and sat up on his stomach, his hands automatically falling on my hips and looking up at me, waiting for me to give him his answer. I let him sweat for a moment before deciding to answer him

"Yes." I giggled

He smirked before reaching up, placing his hand on the back of my neck, bringing my face down to his and reaching for my lips, kissing me and I was soon whimpering into his lips. I wrapped my fingers in his hair, deepening the kiss between us. Ethan's hands slid from my hips, landing on my ass using it to hold me tightly against his body. The heat radiating between our bodies was strong to feel. I was soon on my back, his body on top of mine. We pulled apart, both needing to breathe. Ethan reached in, stroking my hair and smiling at me

"You really are beautiful." He whispered before reaching for my lips again

I felt his warm tongue caress my lower lip, gently tugging it between his teeth, making me groan and part my lips, Ethan taking that moment to slide his tongue into my mouth, soon massaging against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly whimpering every time our tongues danced together, the pit of my stomach feeling like it was on fire, We began getting into a heated making out session, his um...excitement soon growing in his trousers, pressing against me. I let out a loud moan, pressing my thighs together to try stop the sensation between my thighs. Ethan and I were getting lost in the kiss...lost in each other until we heard Matt's car pull up, it was that loud you knew when he was home.

"Shit!" Ethan said, pulling away from me and jumping to his feet

"You better go before he even has a chance to get in the front door cause is he sees you near my room he will freak." I said panicking

"I know. I will text you later, try meet OK?" He said

"We will get something arranged. Go." I giggled

He nodded, reaching down and pecking my lips before rushing out of my room and downstairs. I soon hear Matt come in the front door. Thank God he has a loud car or Ethan and I could be in serious trouble. I sat up from the bed, sighing as I ran my fingers through my hair. I can't keep lying to Matt like this, it makes me feel like a terrible person but at the same time I don't know if Ethan and I could still be together if Matt did find out, think he would put an end to it.

"Hey Dork can I come in?" I hear Matt say as he knocks on my bedroom door

"Yes Matt you can come in." I replied giggling

Matt walked in, Ethan behind him. Matt sat on my bed, Ethan stood at the door awkwardly. I looked up at him, giving him a small smile and he gave me a quick wink before Matt seen.

"Why are you in bed?" he laughed

"I was tired. What you wanting anyway?" I laughed

"OK then. I wanted to see if you wanna come hang out with us later? We are going out to meet some friends, maybe have a few drinks. Gonna try get Ethan laid since he has been strange these last couple of days and turning down any girl that has approached him." Matt laughed

I tensed when he said this cause I don't even wanna think about Ethan with another girl. I looked over at Ethan, giving him a panicked look, wondering how he was gonna get himself out of this one.

"You will not bothered getting me laid Matt OK? I have my reasons for turning them down OK?" Ethan said trying to laugh it off

"Are you seeing someone? Cause this aint like you." Matt said looking at him

"Maybe." He said with a smirk, trying his best to not look at me when I said it

When Ethan said this too Matt, Matt looked at him a shocked look on his face

"What? Who? Since when? And what the fuck, why?" he asked

"That is a secret who it is, will tell you when I am ready and not before it. It's still new, only been a couple of days. And because I wanna...I really like her, she is different from anyone else. She is very sweet and I am taking my time with her. I will tell you more when we are both ready to do so." Ethan said

I had to stop myself from smiling like an idiot and running over to kiss him

"Whoa! I never thought I would hear those words from your lips. Oh well, all the more girls for me." Matt said with a wink "And does she feel the same?" he added, still seeming a little taken back with the information Ethan shared with him

"You are welcome to them all buddy. And yes I think she does feel the same. I aint gonna lie and I know you are gonna take the piss out of me for saying it but I am crazy about her already." Ethan said

I felt my heart flutter in my chest when Ethan said that

"I don't think we can be friends anymore buddy." Matt chuckled "But honestly she must be something special if she is taming the bad boy. When do I meet her?" Matt said

"She is. You meet her when I decided. I wanna spent more time with her alone first, get to know each other better and then maybe you can meet her." Ethan laughed

"This is gonna take some time getting used to but OK." Matt said "But back to you dork, you wanna come with us?" Matt added looking at me

I looked at Ethan for a moment and he nodded, his way of telling me to go with them. Least I would get to spent time with him even though Matt will be here.

"OK. I am up for that but I aint drinking." I laughed

"Awesome! We leave in one hour. We will get you downstairs." Matt said

Him and Ethan leaving my room. I let my wide smile appear that I had been holding in. He was crazy about me? I am crazy about him too.


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