Chapter 38- Hanging out, part one

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Amelia's P.O.V

"I fucking hate you both for doing this to me." Matt whined like a child for the hundredth time since we got home

He was still pissed at us for inviting Paris over

"Get over already. Grow a pair of balls, you like the girl...she likes you." I said rolling my eyes at him

"That is not point." He groaned folding his arms over his chest

Ethan and I looked at each other, shaking our heads before turning back to Matt

"What is the issue, why don't you ask her out?" Ethan asked

"Cause she is too sweet for me, I would ruin the poor girl." He said sadly

Honestly I never expected him to say that. I was used to him being confident, never really thought about why he would not ask her out. It was strange seeing him this way.

"No you wouldn't, not if you like her as much I believe you do." I said

"Yes I would. I would end up cheating on her, breaking her heart and she deserves more than that. I aint exactly the most loyal, committed person in the world." He said

I went to say something, before I could Ethan got there first

"Matt you don't know that buddy. Look at me, I used to be that way until Amelia. Maybe Paris would be good for you, make you change your ways." Ethan said

I smiled, blushing slightly when he said that. I see Matt fall quiet, thinking about what Ethan just said to him.

"I guess you are right. Maybe I should ask her on a date." He smiled

Ethan and I agreed with him, Matt soon wanting to change the subject, probably cause he was blushing like a girl. Plus Paris would be here at any moment and we don't want her hearing us talk about her this way before he has even had the chance to ask her out. The movies were picked, the snacks were set out and Matt even cleaned his room which is not like him at all. There was soon a knock at the door, Matt becoming a nervous mess.

"I will get it. Dude pull yourself together." I said to Matt laughing "Ethan baby try calm him down." I added laughing

Ethan nodded, pecking my lips quickly before I ran upstairs to get the door.

"Hey Paris come in." I smiled widely as I opened the door "The guys are downstairs in Matt's room." I added

"Hey Amelia. See before we head down can I chat to you about something?" she said

I nodded, wondering what she needed to chat to me about, though had a feeling it was something to do with Matt. I took us into the kitchen that way the guys couldn't hear us.

"Everything OK?" I asked

"Yes. It is just um...I wanna ask you something about Matt." She said and I nodded "I know he usually just hooks up with girls but does he ever date?" she asked

I tried my best to stop myself from smirking, knowing where this was going. She was gonna ask me about Matt.

"Honestly? No he is not really one for dating." I started, Paris soon looking disappointed "But you are different. Don't tell him I told you this, he will kill me. Paris Matt really likes you, he wants to ask you out but scared in case he messes things up." I added

I know this aint exactly my place to be telling her this but I wanted her to know cause she looked disappointed when she thought she never had a chance, telling me she likes him as much as he likes her...YEAH!

"Really?" She said blushing, getting slightly giddy

"Yes I thought that was obvious. You two are always laughing, flirting and touching each other. I never told you all this though." I said, giggling at the last part

"My lips are sealed. Thank you for telling me cause I really like him, have done for a while." She said

I smiled, nodding my head before we decide we should head down to the guys before the came looking for us. I found it so sweet the way the two of them blushed when they say hello to each other. Ethan and I looked at each other smirking, our plan was off to a good start.


The four of us were still watching movies, stuffing our faces and chatting away, enjoying each other's company. Ethan and I were snuggled up on the sofa, Matt and Paris sitting on the floor in front of us, seeming to be getting closer as the night goes on. I smiled as I wrapped tightly in Ethan's arms.

"I think the plan is working baby." He whispered, only loud enough for me to hear

Matt and Paris were too busy chatting and laughing with each other to hear what we were saying anyway.

"I think it is. I think we should let them be alone for a little while? See if that will make him ask her out." I whispered back

He nodded

"Guys were are gonna nip out for some ice cream, you both wanting anything? My treat." Ethan said louder, pulling them out of their conversation

I giggled, he came up with an excuse quickly. The two of them were very eager to tell us what they wanted, telling me they wanted to be alone for a little while. Ethan and I removed ourselves from the sofa, heading out to his car

"Could they have got rid of us any quicker?" I laughed

"I know right but I have no complaints cause that means I can do this." He said pulling me into him, pressing me against the car

Before I could say a word he reached in, his lips meeting mine and kissing me sweetly. I melted into the kiss, my arms going around his neck and I kissed him back the same way. He moaned into my lips, pressing himself harder against me. What was only meant to be a kiss soon turned into a heated make out session right against his car. Oh how I have missed our make out sessions today. When we did eventually pull apart the both of us were breathing heavily.

"Maybe we should make a pit stop before ice cream." He smirked

"Naughty boy. We will see." I giggled, knowing exactly what he meant

I am not gonna lie I needed some alone time with him, it has been a few days since we have managed to sneak away for that. He gave me a quick wink, pecking my lips before pulling away, running around and climbing into the car. I caught my breath doing the same.

"Hopefully by the time we get back, he has asked her on a date." He chuckled

"Yes cause that is what is on my mind right now." I giggled, rolling my eyes playfully at him

He smirked, knowing exactly what was on my mind. Maybe we could make a pit stop, think we could both be doing with it, plus gives them two more time together too. I am sure the rest of the night is gonna be a good one.



Whoa! Two updates in two days, it has been a while since I have

managed that ha-ha. What do you think, do you think Matt will

finally ask Paris out? I know I said only a few chapters left but

I am seriously considering doing more than that, see how it goes. 

Stealing the bad boys heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें