Chap 13- Making plans and feeling guilty

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Amelia's P.O.V

"I am going for a drink, anyone want anything?" I asked

Matt, Ethan and I were in the living room watching a movie. My Aunt was away out with some friends which I was happy about cause she had not been out much since my uncle was killed. Matt and I had sorted things out, spoke about everything and he has promised he will try stay away from the drugs and I was hoping he would cause it aint helping anything.

"Yes I will have a coke please." Matt smiled

I nodded, turning to Ethan and waiting for his answer. Ethan and I had not really seen each other because he and Matt had been busy. As for the double date they were meant to go on? That got cancelled...Matt was too rough and Ethan made an excuse to get out of it. I was sort of glad about it.

"I will come with you, need a snack." He smiled, a smile turning into a smirk when Matt was not looking

I knew he was using it as an excuse to get me alone which I never minded. I headed into the kitchen, Ethan soon following my lead. As soon as we arrived in the kitchen, he grabbed me , pulling me as far into the kitchen as he could, making sure we were completely out of sight of Matt. He pulled me into his chest, his hands landing on my hips

"Ethan what are you doing?" I giggled

"I have not been alone with you at all today so I want a kiss." He smirked

"What if Matt walks in?" I asked nervously

"He won't, he is too rough to move of the damn sofa." He chuckled

I nodded, pushing my hair behind my ear and looking up at him, biting on my lower lip. He took hold of my arms, wrapping them around his neck before placing them back on my hips

"Hi." He whispered

"Hi." I replied back, giggling

I never got to say another word before he reached in, pressing his lips softly against mine. I melted into the kiss, whimpering against his lips. Ethan moved one of his hands, placing it on my cheek, pressing his lips a little harder against mine. His other landed on the small of my back, holding my body tightly against his. I could feel my heart start to race is my chest as he continued to kiss me...butterflies in my stomach. Ethan turned us around, pressing my back against the wall, his body close to mine again. He ran his tongue over my lower lip, wanting me to grant him full access to my mouth and I happily gave him what he wanted. I part my lips, Ethan sliding his tongue into my mouth, massaging it against mine. The kiss only lasted a few moments before we needed to pull apart because if we took too long then Matt would come looking for us. After our lips parted he rested his forehead against mine, stroking my hair softly

"Sneak out tonight." He whispered

"What? I can't do that." I said

"Yes you can. Please, sneak out and we can go somewhere...just you and I for a few hours? Tell them you are not feeling well and that you are gonna go to bed." He said

"And how do I get outside?" I laughed

"Well Matt will be in the basement and your Aunt will probably be in bed, sneak out the front door, if they catch you tell them you need air then I will meet you down at the end of the road. Come on Amelia, live a little baby?" he smirked

I thought about it for a moment, nodding my head which made him smile widely at me. He reached in, giving my lips a quick peck before he grabbed a snack, heading back through before me. I have never sneaked out and was nervous that I would get caught but knowing my Aunt she would probably not even say anything if she caught me but Matt on the other hand? He will ask a hundred questions and insist on going with me if I was going a walk. I would just need to be careful. Though a slight problem? I am a terrible liar. On the other hand though the thought of spending a few hours with Ethan alone was very appealing and made me excited.

I grabbed Matt a drink, along with one for myself, heading back through.

"What the heck took the two of you so long?" he asked looking at us

Shoot! I need an excuse quickly to answer his question

"We were just chatting, what did you think we were doing?" Ethan laughed

I sighed in relief that I never needed to be one to answer his questions

"It better have been, you have been warned Ethan." Matt said looking at his best friend

Ethan nodded, looking at the ground. Something tells me that is not the first time they have had this conversation. Guilt soon over took me after hearing Matt saying that, I felt horrible for going behind his back and lying to him especially after everything he has done for me. I know staying away from Ethan would be the right thing to do but I know I won't be able to do that even if I tried. I handed Ethan his coke, sitting down on the sofa. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. Matt and Ethan chatted amongst themselves, the matter of Ethan and I not coming up again which I was glad about. I however sat silently, pondering everything in my head about Ethan and I. Ethan and I? I don't even know what we are?

I soon feel my phone vibrate next to me. I grabbed it, seeing I had a text from Ethan. What is he thinking? What if Matt sees? Then we really would be screwed. I put my phone on silent so Matt would not hear it vibrate.

Ethan: Hey baby girl you OK? You seem very quiet all of a sudden? Xx

Amelia: I just feel terrible for lying to Matt xx

Ethan: I know, me too but I can't stay away from you Amelia no matter how hard I try.xx

Amelia: I know, same but it don't stop the guilt. Xx

Ethan: I know it doesn't L but please don't let that ruin this, whatever this will end up being? X

Amelia: I will try xx

Ethan: OK. I will come by and get you about 10pm tonight xx

Amelia: Looking forward to it. xx

I could feel Ethan look at me, making me look eyes meeting his. He gave me the most beautiful smile, alongside a wink too. I smiled back at him shyly, making him smirk at me. I shook my head, turning away from him before Matt caught us. I was not sure how this was all gonna this was all gonna end but I was willing to find out. I was still trying to work out my exact feelings for Ethan. I knew they were there but I just never knew in what context and to what extent.


Hi *Waves* How are we all today/tonight, depends where you are really LOL. Anyway please share your thoughts, let me know what you all think. :D I am really starting to love writing Amelia and Ethan's characters...Matt's too :D, hope you are enjoying getting to know them too. 


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