Chapter 42 - The one?

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Ethan's P.O.V

The four of us were settled in at the lake house for the night, unpacked and shopping in and all been fed and watered. The four of us settled down for a movie. Paris and Matt were snuggled up on the sofa...Amelia and I curled up on the chair.

"Ethan buddy can we talk for a minute?" Matt said pausing the movie

The three of us looked at him, Paris looking slightly worried, panic taking over her face.

"Don't look so worried baby, I just need to talk to him for a minute." Matt said reaching in, kissing her softly, making her relax

Matt moved off the sofa, motioning me to follow him. I was curious on what was going on. I am hoping it is not some more rules for Amelia and I, he has gave us plenty already. Matt headed out back to the seat on the decking and I followed behind him, sitting next to him. I sit in silence, waiting for him to start talking. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair, he seems worried or stressed...maybe both.

"Matt mate are you OK?" I asked

"How did you know you wanted to be with Amelia, like proper be with her? And what made you realize you were falling hard for her?" he asked looking at me

It was then I picked up on what was wrong with him. The way he was feeling for Paris was scaring and confusing him. I know how he feels, I was the exact same when I started feeling that way about Amelia. He and I were alike in that way, none of us ever really had a relationship or someone we have been into in this way until now.

"Honestly Matt it was the moment that I first met her I liked her, then when we first kissed I was smitten, I aint gonna lie." I said, not wanting to go into too much detail since it his cousin I am talking about "But what made me realize even more how much I cared for her...loved her...wanted to be with her was when I knew you could hate me for being with her but that never stopped me. I don't mean that to sound bad mate, it is the truth though." I added

Matt listened to every word I said to him, nodding and smiling

"I know I was pissed and weirded out at first about it but now seeing you with her I have come to terms with it. She is good for for her. I can see you really do love her." He said patting my shoulder

I smiled at him grateful, deciding to get back to the hand on topic...him and Paris that is what we were coming out here to talk about.

"Why do you ask? How you are feeling for Paris scaring you?" I asked

"Yes...very, does that make me an asshole?" he sighed

"No not at all. I was the same at first. You falling hard for her?" I asked

"Very and I don't know what to do. She is so sweet, innocent and kind, does she really need to be with someone like me? She can do better." He said

I hated seeing him this was, thinking this way about himself. I understood it, never liked it though.

"Matt she is into you as much as you are into her, trust me. She wants you, no one else, stop thinking that way OK? You are a good guy buddy, please stop bringing yourself down. I get the feeling I do, but it passes and it is worth it." I said

"Maybe, I don't know. I want to make us official, the thought scares me though." He said

"Matt it will be fine, you need to stop worrying and make the damn girl your girlfriend. She has waited long enough." I said

"I know you are right. I will before this weekend is over." He smiled

The two of us talked a little more before deciding to head back into the girls before they come looking for us. Matt seemed more relaxed about the full thing. The two girls were sat on the sofa, giggling and whispered, falling very quiet when we walked in. Wonder what they were talking about uh? Could they make it any more obvious? I see Matt's entire face light up when he heard Paris laugh, watching her with the biggest smile on his face. I smirked, reaching into his ear

"Maybe now would be the right time? Amelia and I will head out for a walk." I said

Matt looked at me, that nervous look on his face. I gave him a reassuring smile, giving his back a pat and he nodded.

"Amelia baby fancy a walk? It's a lovely night outside." I smiled

She looked at me, then at Matt...a smirk on her lips, knowing exactly what was going on. Amelia nodded, getting from the sofa and making her way over to me, Matt making his way over to Paris. I reached in, linking my fingers through her, Amelia smiling up at me, automatically making me do the same back.

"Is he gonna finally ask her?" she said excited

I nodded, Amelia trying to stop herself from letting out a squeal. What is it with girls squealing when they get excited? I couldn't help but chuckle. Amelia and I headed outside, heading down to the front of lake. Amelia rested her head on my shoulder. It was dark, only light was from the moon and stars...some light coming from the surroundings cabins.

"This place is breath-taking." She gushed looking around

"Yes it really is. I always loved when we came here cause it meant I could disappear for a while, escape from it all and no one would bother me." I said

"I am sorry you felt like you had to escape." She said

"It is OK." I smile down at her, kissing the top of her head "Wanna sit for a bit?" I added

Amelia nodded, stopping and taking a seat and I followed her lead...Amelia soon snuggling up close to me and I wrapped my arm around her. I couldn't wait to show her around tomorrow, she was gonna love it...I know she would.

"I love you Amelia." I whispered

Amelia looked up at me, smiling before reaching in kissing me softly

"I love you too baby." She replied

I got lost in her, reaching in and capturing her face in my hands, reaching in to kiss her again, a little more passion this time. Amelia was quick to kiss me back the same, shifting herself onto my lap. She snaked her arms around my neck, making herself comfortable on my lap. I ran my hands up and down her back, continuing to kiss her. Amelia pulled away from my lips, reaching in and kissing all over my neck, making me into a weak mess as always. I feel her warm breath against my ear

"You ever had sex under the moon and the stars?" she whispered in my ear

"No I have not." I breathed out

"Wanna?" she giggled in my ear

I never had to be asked again. I was quick to get her onto her back, climbing on top of her. It never took long for us to get straight to it. In no time we were making love under the stars...not fucking...making love and it felt incredible. I swear the more time I think about...the more time I spent with her, the more I begin to think she was it for me...she was the one for me and the thought of being with any other girl never appealed to me. I know it is crazy cause it was still quite early but that was how I felt. I would keep this information to myself for the time being though, see how things go. 


Hello everyone, 

How are we all? Sorry for the delay on a update. 

We still loving the couples? ;) 

And what do you think about Ethan thinking she is the one?

Should he tell her? 

Share your thoughts please


Stealing the bad boys heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora