Chapter 21- Putting it all out there

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Ethan's P.O.V

I sighed as I heard her close the front door on her way out. She doesn't trust me? That hurt when she told me that but I get it, I shouldn't have smirked when I seen that photo... I couldn't help it but I hated myself for it. Yes I am crazy about Amelia, I aint gonna deny that but when you go from getting laid anytime you want to not getting it all, it aint an easy adjustment. I decided I should go to Amelia, fix things before it goes on for too long...before she changes her mind about me completely.

I got myself organised and jumping in my car, heading straight over. I really hope Matt aint home cause I can't exactly turn around and tell him I was there to see Amelia cause I made her feel like crap, he would knock me out before I even managed to get one foot in the door. I knew he was going out to hook up with one of his usual booty calls, not sure he would be back. I pulled up outside, seeing his car wasn't there, that made me breathe easy a little. I sat in the car for ten minutes, working out what to say to her. As I did I went through my phone, deleting photos of um...girls in my phone along with their numbers. I realise if I want this to work with Amelia I need to be all in and if that means getting rid of my own booty calls then so be it, she is worth it. I finally manged to find the courage to head inside in. I planned on just walking in cause that was what I always done. I was not sure if Tanya was in, would find out and would need to come up with a reason why I am here of Matt isn't home.

"Hello it is Ethan." I called as I entered

"Living room sweetie. Matt isn't in." I hear Tanya call back

Shit! How am I gonna go about this one. I headed into the living room, standing awkwardly at the door, making her look up at me. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously, Tanya giggling and shaking her head

"She is in her room. She was upset when she came in, don't know why though." She said worried

"Because of me." I sighed

Tanya looked at me, patting the space next to her. I made my way over to her, sitting next to her. She was a mother figure to me, always has been. She has done more for me...been there for me more than my own mother.

"What is going on?" she asked, a kindness to her voice, she was worried not just about Amelia about me too

"Um...Amelia and I have been kind of seeing each other. I know we shouldn't be especially since Matt has no idea and would kill me if he did. I really like but I messed up." I sighed running my hands through my hair

"Ethan sweetie you know I hate lies but in this situation it is the right thing to do, not telling him...not yet anyway until you know exactly where it is going, don't think he could handle the news right now. And you need to tell me you really like Ethan, I seen that from the first time I seen the both of you were smitten which is unlike you." She said

"I really am. I know it is unlike me but with her it is different, it has been since the moment we met. I know it was only a short time ago but I feel like I have known her longer. As I said I messed up...she um...kind of of the girls I had on my phone...that eh...I um...hook up with from time to time. I never helped matters when she caught me smirking at it. I never meant to and I hate myself for it, now she doesn't trust me and I that breaks my heart." I said explaining everything to her before taking a breath

She sat listening to me, the way she always judgement in her eyes.

"Ethan you can't blame her getting upset with that, she is so pure and are the only boy she has ever been interested in. She will never be like those girls and that is what she thinks you want, that will make her feel self0-concious. Ethan you need to prove to her you don't want them girls anymore and mean it cause if you don't then the two of you have no chance." She said

"I don't want any of them...I promise. I only want her." I said

"I can see that. I hope you get things sorted, I really do but if you hurt her in any way you will have me to deal with OK? She is like a daughter to me." she said, getting more serious for a moment

I knew she meant it. If I ever hurt Amelia I will have Tanya and Matt to deal with. I don't want them hating me, that would kill me just like it would if Amelia doesn't give me another chance. I still can't work out exactly what I was feeling for Amelia, one thing I do know is I am crazy about her and that is a new feeling to me.

"I know, I promise I will try not hurt her." I said

We chatted for another few moments before I headed up to Amelia's room. I knocked gentle, no response...done it again...still no response. I pushed the door opened slowly, seeing her curled up on her bed fast asleep. I smiled as I see her, she really was beautiful. I watched her for a moment before making my way over to the bed. I slid in behind her, stroking her arm gentle

"Amelia?" I whispered in her ear

"Ethan?" she mumbled tiredly

"Yes it is me beautiful. I am sorry I upset you. I never wanted to leave things the way it was. Hate knowing you are mad at me." I said, pressing my lips softly against her neck

Amelia slowly turned around so she was facing me. I could see she had been crying. Shit! I made her cry, that was the last thing I wanted.

"Ethan it is OK. I would understand if you would rather have girls like that." She said sadly

"Amelia that is the thing I don't want girls like that. I want you. I removed the girls I hooked up from my phone. Amelia yes I like sex...actually I love sex I aint gonna deny that but that is only fun...its meaningless, its only feelings of lust and desire but what I feel for you Amelia it is stronger than that...they mean more than meaningless sex." I said stroking her cheek, making myself vulnerable in a way I have never been

"They are? You would rather be with me than go out doing what you have been doing since you were I am going with probs about fourteen?" she said sounding surprised

"Yes I would." I said "I only want you, if you will have me." I said

"You sure you can do that Ethan?" she asked nervously

"Yes very sure. Please Amelia I need you to trust me and I will do whatever it takes to prove to you that you are all I want." I said

She never replied after that, instead she reached in, her lips pressing against mine and kissing me passionately, wrapping her arms around my neck. I moaned into her lips before kissing her back the same way, pulling her body tight against mine. The kiss lasted a few moments before we had to pull apart to catch our breath

"OK." She said

"OK?" I asked

"Yes, I wanna give us a try." She smiled

With that the biggest smile appeared on my lips and I jumped on her, making her giggle

"Thank You." I said resting my forehead against hers

This was all new to be but I was willing to learn for her.  


Aww I love these two :D. How do you think this will go? 

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