Chapter 8- Bonfire part 1

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Amelia's P.O.V

"Would you hurry up dork?" Matt groaned at me

"Jeeze calm down, don't get your panties in a twist I am coming. You have no patience." I laughed

Matt and Ethan were waiting for me to head to the bonfire. I had volunteered to be the designated driver for the night since I don't drink, well I have never drank and well they two would probably be drinking. I don't mind if it means I know they will both get home safe.

"Finally!" Matt laughed

I flipped him off before walking by him, saying goodnight to my Aunt before heading out to the car, the guys following close behind. Ethan jumped in the back while Matt climbed into the passenger's seat. They gave me directions, soon getting on the road. It was not too far away.

"Maybe we can get you a guy tonight, it is about time you get laid." Matt laughed

"Oh My God shut up Matt." I hissed at him

I know he was only messing with me, he knows I will do that when I am ready and not before. I knew my face was bright red, making Matt laugh at me. I hate him sometimes, I really do. I cannot believe he said that to me in front of Ethan. I looked in my mirror being met with Ethan looking at me, a devilish smirk on his face before throwing a quick wink at me.

"Nah they are all jackasses, sure she can do better than one of those idiots." Ethan said

"Yes that is very true. Don't worry if any of them trying hitting on you I will soon get them told and they will listen to me." Matt said

"Don't worry I do not plan on going near anyone. Plus I can look after myself." I laughed

"I know you can but that is what I am here for, you know I always got your back cuz." Matt replied

"I know." I smiled

It was the truth, he has always looked out for me. He was the one that was there for me along with my Aunt when my mother first left, he drove eight hours to come make sure I was OK even though I never called him until 9am he was at my door with coffee and doughnuts.

Soon enough we pulled up at our destination. The bonfire was already going, the place crowded with teenagers partying and having fun. All of a sudden I felt nervous when I realise how many people were actually here. Ethan and Matt climbed out of the car, I however never moved

"Amelia come on?" Matt said

"I think I will head back home. Too many people here." I said shaking my head

"Don't be daft, you are here with Ethan and I, no one will bother you...they all know better." Matt said

I sighed, taking a few deep breaths before stopping the engine, climbing out and locking the car behind me. Ethan appeared at one side of me...Matt at the other. I felt like I had two bodyguards with how all their steps nearly matched mine identically. I giggled as I looked at them. As soon as we headed to where everyone else was, people were coming up, hugging and talking to them, girls throwing themselves at them, everyone more or less completely ignoring me.

"Who's this?" a pretty brunette girl asked smiling

"This is my wee cousin Amelia, she just moved here, staying with me and my mum, she will be starting school with us." Matt smiled

"Hey nice to meet you. I am Paris." She smiled sweetly

"Hi, you too." I smiled back

"I will catch up with the three of you in a bit, Amelia and I can get to know each other, least that was she is not only stuck with you two." She laughed, waving her finger at the guys

"Thank You, would appreciate that." I laughed

She said goodbye before skipping away to join a group of girls. She seemed nice enough.

"She seems nice." I smiled

"She really is." Matt said smiling as he watched after her

"Ha you totally have a crush on her. You annoy me once more tonight I am telling her." I smirked

Matt went to protest, soon changing his mind, telling me I was right. I am surprised Paris never noticed herself with the way he watched her like a lost puppy.

"I need a drink, Ethan keep an eye on her." Matt said heading off

I stood there awkwardly, hands stuffed in my pocket and looking around at everyone. I was trying to do anything to stop me from having to look at him. I soon felt him step in closer, his hand falling on the small of my back

"I am making you nervous again." he whispered in my ear

I slowly turned to look at him, Ethan already looking at me, a softness to his eyes. He turned away for only a moment, looking around before facing me again. He reached his hand in, gently caressing my cheek with his thumb, smiling at me. My breath catches in my throat as I move into his touch. He was quick to pull his hand away, still standing close to me

"I will get you alone again later." He said with small smile

I nodded, not responding with words in case something stupid fell from my lips. He chuckled, clearly again seeing the affect he has on me. A silence fell between us after that, his hand still on the small of my back, stroking it through my hooded jumper. I closed my eyes over, enjoying the feeling...enjoying the moment. We see Matt coming back towards us, Ethan soon quick to pull his hand away from my back. I felt cold...lonely all of a sudden. Matt handed Ethan a drink and handed me a water.

"Right lets go mingle and cause some trouble." Matt said with a smirk

Trouble? I really hope he does not mean proper trouble cause if he does then I am out of here, they can make their own way home. We headed closer to bonfire, joining a small group of three other people...two girl. Matt and Ethan gave them all a hug. When I see Ethan hug the girl I felt a little jealous, I don't know why cause technically I have no right and I aint a jealous person usually.

"This is my cuz Amelia...Amelia Joe, Lewis and Summer." Matt said introducing us

I gave them all a shy smile and a small wave

"Are you sure she is your cousin, she seems too shy and normal to be related to you?" Joe laughed

"Positive. Yes she is very shy and quiet, I plan on changing that before the year is up." Matt smirked

Changing it? Glad he thinks so, maybe it would be a good thing.

"Leave the poor girl alone, she does not need be corrupted by you two." Summer laughed

I laughed too, giving her a small smile. Everyone seemed nice enough that I have met thus far, hopefully everyone else will be the same but probably not, most high schools have bitches and assholes, it part of high school I guess. I stood in silence as they all spoke amongst themselves.

"You OK?" Ethan asked me

"Yes, just not used to being around so many people, always been a bit of a loner." I said being honest

"That is no fun. I will need to change that." He said smiling widely

"If you insist." I giggled

Ethan gave me a quick wink before turning back to the other. I smiled to myself, watching him for a moment as he chatted and laughed. He really did have the most beautiful laugh. He was beautiful in many ways. I pulled away before he caught me.

"You got busted." He whispered

"Sorry." I said, feeling my face heat up again

"Don't be, I don't mind." He replied

I have never blushed this much in my life, something tells me it is gonna be happening a lot while he is around. Yeah for me! Not! 


How INCREDIBLE is my new book cover? @Ssaayyjj done such an good job of it...I love it. 

Anyway hope you all enjoyed this chapter ;) 

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