Chapter 4- A.M Visitor

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Amelia's P.O.V

"Ha told you I would kick both your asses." I smirked at Matt and Ethan in Triumph

They both sat on the floor glaring at me. I did warn them.

"Damn girl that was good." Ethan said smiling at me

"I know. I was taught by the best." I said nodding in Matt direction

"The student becomes the teacher." Ethan laughed "you could probably teach the both of us some things." He added winking at me

Matt luckily never caught that wink cause if he did he would have got Ethan told, that I do know. We had been sitting for the last two hours playing and I had bet them both at Least three times...actually I destroyed them.

"Thanks for the games guys, time for me to head to bed I think." I said yawning because I was tired now, it was after 5am after all.

"You can just crash there if you want if you can't be bothered moving." Matt said

"I am very comfortable on here." I giggled

"I will get you some pillows." Matt said heading to grab me some pillows

Ethan was sleeping on the floor, Matt obviously taking his bed. I would try sleep in here but don't know if I will be able to stay here until morning. The three of us got settled down for the night. In seconds I could hear snoring...Matt, damn forgot about that, there is no chance I will get to sleep with all that noise. I groaned to myself quietly, deciding I would be better going to bed. I wrapped the blanket around me, standing up and was about to walk away

"Amelia where you going?" I heard Ethan's voice say quietly

"To my bed, can't be dealing with his snoring." I giggled

"Yeah he is pretty loud." Ethan laughed "I will see you in the morning, night sweet cheeks." He added

"Nigh Ethan." I replied before leaving and creeping up To my bed

I climbed into bed, sighing in relief when the room fell silence. I should have no bother falling asleep now. I made myself comfortable, closing my eyes over to sleep but all of a sudden it felt like they were fighting me. NO! Typical as soon as I hit my bed my body decided to wake up again. You are lucky if I get any sleep tonight now. I hissed and turned for God only knows how long. I felt like screaming. I never wanted to go downstairs in case I woke my Aunt up. Looks like my night will be spent staring at the ceiling.

All of a sudden I heard a small knock on my bedroom door or maybe I am delusional with the lack of sleep. I ignored it, telling myself it was all in my head.

"Amelia are you awake?" I heard someone say in a whisper with another small knock

"Um...Yes." I said nervous

Why was Ethan in my bedroom?

"Can I come in?" he said

I looked up all I could see what is shadow by my door

"Um...yeah." I said my voice showing I was nervous

"I only wanna talk. I can't sleep with his snoring, he is louder than usual." He chuckled

"Ok." I replied

I sat up on the bed, pulling the covers up to my chin...Ethan making his way over to my bed, sitting on the edge of it. I felt the awkwardness take over me again. I aint gonna lie it is the first time I have been in a bedroom alone with a guy. I live a very sheltered parents are very strict or were should I say since my mum aint around anymore and my dad is too busy hurting to take notice of me.

"I sense you are very nervous again." I hear him chuckle

The room was still quite dark, just a little light coming through the window which in a way was good for me cause that way he can't see my red face again.

"You make me nervous." I said in a whisper, hoping I was quiet enough not to let him heat what I said.

I felt him shifting on the bed, soon feeling his body sitting next to mine

"Why?" he asked

Darn he heard me. Nice going Amelia.

"I don't know." I replied, bringing my knees to my chest

"Yes you do." He replied

Again I don't how to respond to that. I aint gonna turn around and say "hey Ethan you make me nervous cause you are gorgeous, I have a crush on you and my virgin body can't handle you being close to me." No that would be the worst idea ever and he would probably laugh at me.

"I...I...have...I don't know." I stuttered out

Nicely played Amelia...not...I need to get a grip of myself.

Next thing I felt his hand fall on my knee, a shudder making its way through my body.

"You like me that's why." He said

I could not see his but I could tell he had a smirk on his face when he said that to me. Danr gorgeous, charming boy.

"I do not." I replied but my words were not very unconvincing

"Yes you do Amelia. If I was to kiss you right now you would let me." He said

With the mention of a kiss my entire body froze. As I said I have only ever kissed one person and it was terrible. I don't wanna make an idiot of myself again like that. I shifted a little, put a distance between him and I.

"Amelia have you never kissed anyone?" he asked

"One boy." I said softly

"Well that's a shame. You got my hopes up there." He said, a small sigh following

"Uh?" I asked confused

"I was hoping you would have said no then I could have stolen your first kiss." He said, his fingers circling on my knee through the covers

"Sorry." Was all I muttered out

Did I really just say sorry to him cause I have already had my first kiss? I swear the more time I am around him the more of an idiot I make of myself. I heard him let out a small chuckle, removing his hand from my knee, laying down with his head on the pillow.

"Join me?" he whispered, patting the pillow next to him

I fell silent, not sure what my next move should be. I don't want him getting the wrong idea about me. Something tells me he is far from innocent and pure especially if he is best friends with my cousins, Matt has always been popular with the girls but more so when he has found his bad boy persona, something tell me Ethan is the exact the same.

"I only wanna get to know you...promise Amelia." He said

"OK." I replied, laying down next to him.

I was hoping he would start the conversation cause I am terrible at that.


Hi, hi everyone am back :D And here is the next chapter for you...enjoy. Next chapter up later today or soonish hehe. I am still trying to come up with a cast lol.  

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