Chapter 12- Making up

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Amelia's P.O.V

I lay in bed a bit upset because of the conversation I heard between them. I heard it all, I woke up as soon as Matt came in but decided to pretend I was still sleeping until I could not listen to the conversation anymore. I know I have no right but I felt betrayed and jealous which sounds crazy but I can't help how I am feeling.

I waited for him to text me back, he never did. He has probably realised I will not be worth his time after all. I am sure Maddie is way more beautiful and what not than me, can't blame him from wanting her instead. I never knew the girl, though something told me she was probably beautiful. I was pulled out of thought when I see my bedroom door open. I never had to ask who it was cause I knew it was Ethan. He never said a word as he made his way over to my bed, sitting on the edge of it.

"Amelia I am sorry you heard all that." He said

"As I said it is none of my business Ethan. You can do as you please." I said

All my defences that I let down around him earlier on were back up. I had went back into protection mode.

"Amelia you know you don't mean that." He sighed, running his hands through his hair

"No offence Ethan what do you expect me to think? You were saying all those things to me and not even a couple of hours later you are talking about some girl you wanna hook up with that you have been after for a while." I said pulling my knee to my chest and hugging my legs

Ethan moved, climbing onto the bed and kneeling in front of me, placing his hands over mine. I refused to look at him, turned my head away from him. Ethan reached in, placing his finger on my chin and turned me around to look at him.

"Amelia don't...don't start pulling away from me now. I never meant any of what I said about her. Yes I have been after her for a while, I am not gonna lie about that but when Matt told me about tomorrow I felt nothing. I felt myself not wanting her anymore and do you know why that is?" he said

I shook my head, chewing on my lower lip nervously

"Amelia yes you do. I told you earlier what you are doing to me. I aint interested in her anymore cause I am interested in you." He said

"Why? You said it yourself you like hooking up, you aint gonna get anything like that from me, not anytime soon. I aint ready for all of that." I said shaking my head

I see Ethan close his eyes over, taking a deep breath before opening them, looking at me once again.

"Amelia I never mentioned anything about that kind of thing. I know you aint ready...I know you still have a lot to learn and Amelia I aint gonna push or pressure you into anything." He said

I wanted to believe him, I really do but how can I expect a guy that has only known me what two day to stop hooking up and sleeping around for me, for someone who won't give him what he is used to getting?

"Ethan maybe it is best we quit while we are ahead." I said trying to make my voice sound like that is what I wanted

"You know that is not what you want Amelia." He said pushing my hair behind my ear

I smiled shyly at him when he done this, making him smile at me. I never wanted that but I have never even had a boyfriend, would someone like Ethan really be a good place for me to start? I know he is a decent guy but I know just like Matt he likes to have fun, get into trouble and do things I would never think of doing. Is that really a good match?

"Ethan would you and I really be a good match? We are complete opposites." I said in a sigh

"You never heard the saying opposites attract?" he said with a smile

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