Chapter 9- Bonfire part 2

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Amelia's P.O.V

It was after midnight and the place was still in full swing. I was actually enjoying myself. No one had gave me any bother just like Matt said.

"Matt you want some?" his friend Steven asked

I looked up seeing what Steven meant. My question was soon answered when I see a small plastic bag in his hand with white powder in it...cocaine really? Surely Matt does not take that crap?

"Yes sure thing." Matt smirked taking the bag from him

Is he being serious right now? If his father knew he was doing drugs he would be turning on his grave.

"You are joking right? You are seriously gonna take that?" I hissed at him

"Yes. It's only a little coke, calm down." He laughed

Calm down? He is lucky I don't slap some sense into him.

I never said anything, the look on my face probably told him everything he needs to know. I shook my head in disappointment. He shrugged like it was nothing before taking some of it. He reached his hand out to Ethan

"No thanks mate." Ethan said shaking his head

I have never felt more disappointed in Matt. His dad since we were kids made sure we knew the danger of drugs, made sure we were sensible enough not to touch it cause My Uncle Tom lost his little brother to a drug over dose...his little brother was only 26 at the time. Uncle Tom was against them cause he knew the damage they can do that is why I don't understand why Matt would touch them...he was Matt's hero.

I couldn't stand around any longer watching him take it so I turned, walking away

"Amelia where you going?" Matt called after me

"Away from you." I hissed not saying another word before walking away, sitting on a bench out of everyone s way.

I was trying to stop myself from crying cause thinking about my Uncle Tom was making me miss him all over again. I felt a few stray tears fall, quick to wipe them away.

"Amelia?" I heard someone say

I knew it was Ethan by the way my body shivered with my name falling from his lips. I looked up, shaking my head. Ethan came over, sitting down next to me

"My Uncle Tome would be so disappointed in him." I sighed

"I know he would. But he is hurting Amelia, it helps him cope." He said

"Helps him cope? What doing the one thing his father hated? That's not coping, that's disappointing. I knew he was dealing with it all his own way but I never expected part of that to be drugs especially since that is what he lost his uncle too." I sighed

"I know but all we can do it let him deal with it the ways he thinks help." Ethan said wrapping his arm around my shoulder

I took a deep breath before resting my head on his shoulder

"I am just worried I can't lost him too." I said a small sob falling from my lips

"You won't...he knows his limits.' He said

I looked up at him, finding his soft eyes on me. He reached in, wiping the stray tears away from my cheeks

"Do you do them too?" I asked

I think I already knew the answer but still wanted to ask. He nodded, shame in his eyes when he did.

"The two of you need to stop it." I said

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