Chapter 41- Road trip and girl talk

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Amelia's P.O.V

I tooted the horn outside of Paris's house, Ethan and Matt hiding on the floor of the backseat which I was finding very amusing but it saved us having to double back for them. They were not too amused with the idea but went with it to save time, let's hope her parents don't come out to the car or we would have a lot of explaining to do. Paris soon arrived, duffle bag in hand, her parents waving her off and I could tell she was embarrassed about it, it just made me giggle. I found it kinda sweet really.

I watch her roll her eyes as she gets closer to the car, turning around to give them one last quick wave before climbing it.

"God they are so embarrassing." She laughed

"I found it kind of sweet." I giggled

"You would." She laughed "Let's get out of here." She added

I started the car, driving away and as soon as we were out of sight from her house, we told them it was safe to come up.

"I hate you both for making us do that?" Ethan laughed

"Don't lie you love me." I said smirking at him in the mirror

I see a smile grow on his face when I said that, winking at me

"That I do baby very much." He said

It was my turn to blush, still not use to him saying those things to me around other people. I see Matt roll his eyes, a slight look of disgust on face. I think we were too cheesy for his liking, but give him time and he will be the exact same with Paris, then I will be the one taking the piss out of him...payback.

"Pull over so we can swap seats. You either come back here with Ethan or Ethan can swap with Paris cause I aint spending this car journey with you two acting all mushy from over the seats." Matt said

I nodded, pulling up on the side of the road, deciding Matt was driving there and then either Ethan or I will drive back, plus I do not trust Matt in the backseat of my car alone with Paris, I know what he is like. I do not need to watch one of their make out session thank you very much.

"You crash my car...I kill you." I warned handing him my car keys

He rolled his eyes at me, grabbing them from my hand and smirked. I rushed, climbing into the back with Ethan before Matt had a chance to drive off without me and make me chase him, and he would actually do that to me. He was more like an annoying big brother than a cousin but wouldn't change him for anything. As soon as I climbed into the back seat, Ethan wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close to him

"Hi." He said reaching in to peck my lips quickly

"Hi." I giggled

I rested my head on his shoulder, making myself comfortable for the three hour drive. I was excited for our weekend away, should be fun. I smile as I see Matt reach over, placing his hand over hers and linking their fingers. Ha my cousin was completely smitten...I love it, about time.

I felt Ethan place a soft kiss on the top of my head, making me look up at him and smile, loved when he done that, found it very sweet.

"I love you baby girl." He said stroking my cheek

"I love you too." I gushed back at him, reaching up and pressing a soft, sweet kiss against his lips

"Guys you wanna stop for coffee on the way?" Matt asked from the driver's seat, making me pull my lips away from Ethan, totally ruined the moment which earned him a glare from me and Ethan, Matt shrugging it off and laughing.

We decided we would stop for coffee, sending the guys in to get them, us girls really couldn't be bothered. Plus it gave Paris and I chance to chat for a moment.

"You excited for the weekend?" I asked her "Maybe my cousin will grow a pair and ask you to be his girlfriend." I added giggling

"I am looking forward to it." she smiled brightly "Well we will find out, but I know he will ask when he is ready and that is OK with me." she added

I liked that she was not putting any pressure on Matt that way, if she was he would run...know he would. It will happen when it is meant too.

"Can I ask you a personal question Amelia?" Paris asked shyly

I nodded, smiling at her as I wondered what she wanted to know.

"Are you and Ethan having sex?" she asked

"Yes we are. Things sort of happened quite fast between us but that is OK cause it is with him. He was my first though." I said

"He was?" she asked and I nodded "How did you know you were ready?" she added

I had a feeling where she was going with this. I just hope she doesn't feel like she needs to rush it since she knows Matt is very sexually active, everyone knows that. I am hoping that doesn't make her think she will need to have sex with him to keep him around. I know that is not the case, Matt won't rush her into anything cause he does actually like her.

"It just felt right. Why are you thinking about it?" I asked

It was strange someone coming to me for advice about these things, it was all new to me which made it even more surprising that I am talking about it without getting embarrassed.

"Not quite yet. I don't think Matt knows that I am still a virgin, but even if he does or doesn't he is not rushing me into anything. Sorry are you OK with me talking to you about this since it is your cousin?" she said

"You should tell him, he will understand. I know he will not rush you or put pressure on you since he does actually really like you." I said "No it is OK, I don't mind you talking to me about this." I added

"And I really like him. I think a part of me is scared in case he goes somewhere else to get it, everyone knows how much he likes sex." She said

I was familiar with that feeling, felt that was when I first got with Ethan which made me understand what she was going through.

"I was the same when Ethan and I first got together. Honestly Paris he wouldn't do that to you. Just trust him, know that is easier said than done when it comes to the "bad boys" as they like to call themselves but it is true, he wouldn't cheat on you." I said reassuring her

I was telling her the truth. I can tell he won't do that to her and if he does then I will kill him.

"I hope not, know they have their needs." She said

"There is other ways to sort their needs that does not involve full on sex." I said smirking

"That is very true." She giggled "Maybe I should start there." She added winking at me

The two of us laughed loudly, both seeming more relaxed about the subject

"Only when you are ready Paris, not before OK?" I said smiling

"I know, thank you." She said reaching over the seat to hug me

We soon see the guys coming back, quick to change the subject, they do not need to know what we were talking about. They knew straight away we were talking about them but never said anything.

We were soon back on the road, heading to the Lake house. The four of us enjoying the road trip with the music blaring, talking and laughing. I think we were gonna have an amazing weekend just the four of us.  

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