Chapter 34 - Matt's P.O.V

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Matt's P.O.V

I was angry, angry in a way I have not felt in a long time. How could they do this? How could they lie to me this way? They both know trust is one of the most important things to me and now they have broken it. I was in a bad way as it was, my head wasn't on straight, the loss of my father still killing me, I don't need to find out that two of the most important people in my life have betrayed me. Usually in situations like this I would talk to my father but he isn't here anymore and that makes me mad at the world. He was too much of a good man to be taken this soon. Amelia and Ethan were the two people that have been there for me, then they go do this?

I don't know what I am more angry about, that they are together or the fact that they never had the decency to tell me. I was angrier at Ethan, I wanted to hurt him. Amelia is too sweet and innocent to have someone like Ethan around, he is gonna break her fucking heart, it is what he is what him and I both do. I thought Amelia was smarter than this? She can do better that someone like Ethan. Yes he is a good guy is most ways but not when it comes to girls, he doesn't care about them, he only uses them. What he does is none of my business but when it is my cousin he is messing with even after I warned him to stay away from her it is my business cause I will be the one picking up the pieces of her broken heart when he destroys it.

I needed to find a way to get this anger out before I take it out on Ethan. What sort of best friend does this? Lie, betray you, and go against the one rule that has always been in place? I decided rather than taking it out in him I would go a run...a very long run. It is moments like this I really needed my dad, he gave the best advice, always knew the right things to say to make me feel better, kick my ass when he needed. I missed him like crazy, yes I have my mum, she is great but she isn't him...a son needs his father and he left me, now Ethan has done the same all over what? To get laid by yet another girl he feels absolutely nothing for? I really hope she hasn't done something stupid like give up everything to him that would be the biggest mistake of her life. I got changed into my running gear, heading out

"Matt wait please?" I hear Ethan's voice behind

"No, fuck off Ethan before I fucking do something I will regret." I hissed at him, my fists clenching at my sides, trying to stop myself from punching him

"Please mate? We need to talk? I am sorry I never told you but I am not sorry about choosing to be with her, that aint changing but can we please talk about this?" he said calmly

"I aint your fucking mate Ethan, mates don't lie and betray you, start doing God knows what with your cousin behind your back. I don't wanna hear anything you fucking have to say ever again OK?" I hissed at him

He went to say something else, before he could I pushed him away from me, making him fall to the ground, put my ear phones in and ran out the door. Mate? I aint his fucking mate the lying fuck. I took to my heels sprinting as fast as I could. I had no destination in mind, just wanted to keep running, leaving all the shit behind for a while. I ran for I don't know how long until I couldn't anymore. I found myself in the middle of some wooded area, no one around. And with that I fell to my knees and broke down, cried. I know it was not all because of Amelia and Ethan done, it was mainly cause of my dad. I have not cried since the moment I found out he had been killed, never even cried at his funeral, I couldn't I was too numb plus I had to stay strong for my mum. I think everything that has happened today has opened wounds that have been firmly close...feelings that have been bottled up inside for months. I screamed, my screams echoing through the woods, thankful no one was around.


I knew I was letting my anger out, shouting at my dad even though he isn't here, can't hear me but I needed to get it out. I had to let it out. A part of me hated him for leaving even though I know it wasn't his fault. I stayed on my knees for I don't know how long. I have never let myself become this weak and pathetic, glad no one is around to see me. I was pulled out of thoughts when my phone started going, Amelia's name coming up on the screen. I hung up but she called back again and again, no matter how many I hit the reject button. It got to the stage I ended up answered

"What the fuck do you want?" I hissed at her

"Where are you Matt? You have been away for hours, no one has heard from you." She said worried

"Don't start acting like you give a damn now after what you done. I thought you were meant to be the smart one?" I hissed at her

"Of course I care Matt, we are family and I love you. Can you please come home? You and I can talk, only us?" she said and I could tell she was crying

I know I shouldn't be talking to her this way, it was wrong of me but I was angry with her...upset and to be honest completely shocked she would do something like this to me.

"Funny way of showing it. I will be back when I am fucking back. And he better not be there Amelia cause I swear if he is I will knock him the fuck out." I hissed hanging up the phone

I don't know how I am gonna get by this. I don't know how I am gonna forgive them but then again everyone leaves don't they? In the end they all leave. Maybe I am better being alone without any of them. I knew I would need to talk to them eventually, well more Amelia than Ethan cause she is family and we stay together but they better not hold their breaths cause it could be a while. They are honestly the last two in the world I thought would betray me like this.



How are we all? Good I hope. 

Poor Matt :( did you like reading his P.O.V? 

And what do you think? How long do you think

it will take him to forgive them both? Will he 

forgive them? Share your thoughts please :D 


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