Chapter 10- Hanging out and making out

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Amelia's P.O.V

Ethan and I arrived back at the house, stopping for pizza on the way. The house was in darkness, My Aunt probably already sleeping since it is now nearly 1am. Ethan and I had said a few things here and there to one and other but I was still nervous being alone with him.

"Are you going to bed?" he asked as we made our way to the front door

"I am not tired, probably not. You?" I asked

"No. You wanna come down and play the Xbox for a bit?" he asked hopeful as looked at me

I was not sure if that would be a good idea, then again what harm would it do? We are only hanging out right?

"Yeah why not." I smiled

"Good." He said with a wink

Should I be worried about that wink? I gave him a small smile before we headed inside. I grabbed us something to drink, following Ethan down to the basement. The smell of the pizza trailing behind him making my stomach growl. I guess I am hungrier that I thought. When I arrived he was setting the Xbox up before sitting on the sofa. I stood at the door nervously, rocking back and forth on my heels

"Amelia you can sit down." He chuckled

I blushed, nodding my head before making my way over to him, sitting down next to him, a small distance away from him. Ethan decided that was not good enough, closing the small distance between us, his legs against mine.

"That's better." He said with a smirk

I giggled, shaking my head. I grabbed a slice of pizza, digging into it while Ethan set the game up for us, the same one I kicked their asses at last night, and does he not learn?

"I am gonna kick your ass this time." He laughed

"Try it, you will fail." I giggled

"Game on sweet cheeks." He replied


"I am bored with this now, wanna watch something?" Ethan said

"You mean you are bored of getting your ass kicked?" I giggled

"Shut up. We can continue if you want but I would rather talk, watch something and maybe make out a little." He said with a smirk

Make out? He wants to make out? With his suggestion I shifted nervously. Ethan was watching me closely, seeing my nerves. He reached over, placing his hand over mine, making me look up at him

"I am only messing with you." He smiled

"Oh." I said sounding disappointed, not the way I planned for it to sound but that's the way it came out.

I am not gonna lie there was a part of me that wanted to do it, it aint something I have done before...made out with a guy. Yes I have kissed Ethan a couple of times but there is a difference between kissing and full blown making out.

"Ha you want to make out with Me." he said smugly

I went to fight him on his suggestion, deciding what would be the point cause he would see right through me. I licked my lips, my eyes falling from his eyes to his lips and back to his eyes. Ethan reached up, placing his hand on my cheek, his lips closer to me than what they were a moment ago. I took a deep breath, closing the small gap between us. As soon as our lips met I moaned loudly, Ethan smirking into the kiss. I moved my body closer to him, wanting better access to his lips. He wrapped his fingers in my hair as he pressed his lips harder against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck as Ethan pushed his tongue past my lips searching for mine. I gave him what he wanted without even having to think about it. Our tongues started fighting against one and others...fighting for control over the kiss.

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