2.23 Natural stupidity

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, you two. I know it's hard for you right now, but we need to focus on getting out of here." Katara approaches Aang as he kneels. 

"What's the difference? We won't survive without them, we all know it." Aang sulks. 

"Come on, Aang! We can do this if we work together. Right, Toph?" Katara looks to the Earth bender for support, deeming her brother useless on the Cactus Juice. 

"As far as I can feel, we're trapped in a giant bowl of sand pudding. I got nothin'."  Toph offers, nothing helpful though. 

With a sigh Katara turns to her brother. "Sokka? Any ideas how to find Ba-Sing- Se?" 

"Why don't we ask the circle birds?" Sokka looks up blissfully. 

Looking around her, the sulking air benders, staggering Earth bender and hallucinating brother, Katara quickly comes up with a plan.  Handing Zulu back to her owner, the raptor nuzzling her owner before crawling into the wrap around her back, Katara faces each pair of eyes. 

"Ugh...We're getting out of this desert, and we're going to do it together! Aang, get up. Raiko take the last spot- since your the only other capable one here. Now, everybody hold hands. We can do this. We have to."  Katara smiles, trying to  keep them all together.

Forcing Asha to holster her staff, Raiko pushes her towards Aang. The two quickly clasping hands. Katara grabs Aang's staff, leading him with that. Next, Toph grips onto Asha, Sokka holding onto Toph, and then Raiko taking up the rear with Momo on his shoulder. 

"Oh my spirits! Asha your hands are so soft! No wonder twinkle toes like holding them." Toph tries to cheer up the group, only receiving chuckles from Katara and Raiko. 


When they find an old withered tree, Katara decided to stop for the night, letting everyone release the hands they were holding. Asha is quick to sit as far away as possible, without Katara dragging her back to the group, pulling out the book she was reading from in the library.  

"What you got there, princess?" Asha doesn't even need to look up to know it's Raiko, the others not daring to call her princess

"Why does it matter to you?" She snaps, hiding further behind the cover of the old book. 

"Onsra's entity? Sounds like a good read. Did you find the scroll?" Raiko takes a seat, trying to take the girls mind off of her dragon.   She's silent for a few seconds, making the blonde think he pushed to far. 

"Yeah, I did." Taking out the scroll, she hands it to him. Raiko's eyes widen at the peice of parchment.  Taking it back, Asha places it back in her satchel, before going back to her book. 

"You've gotta tell Aang!" He nearly yells, quieting down at the look he gets from the air bender.

"No. Not yet at least. No only will our minds be elsewhere, but we also don't have the time.  My best guess is that they took the animals to be sold. If they're sold, we'll lose all chances at getting them back. Without any causalities." She mumbles, lowering the book. 

"What do you mean?" Raiko looks to her, his green orbs meeting her blue ones. 

"I learned that there are two types of Avatar state. The one Aang has, which is loud and noticeable. But then, there's another. It's quiet. The book compares it to an assassin." Asha points to the section.  "I- I don't think it means just quiet. I think, it means... killing." The word was another foreign thing to the girl.  Unheard of, taboo, whatever word you wanna use. It was a completely different thing to Asha.  

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