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I am so sorry I have not updated in a while. September has been crazy because it is my birthday month and school is just starting! Crazy! Anyways here is the next chapter!

Taylor's P.O.V

I feel myself getting lifted and then a car door shut. I am so sleepy I don't want to open my eyes. I hear the door open to the house and then I hear Niall's voice. I open my eyes and look up. Augustus is there. His blue eyes shining. She blonde ruffled hair. He is perfect. Then Harry comes into my mind. Why does his have to be so complicated? I think to myself. I wish I could be with. Well who do I want to be with. Augustus was my boyfriend and now we are just good friends I wonder what he thinks. I wonder if he still likes me. Would he want me. Are we just friends now. I have loved Augustus as a friend forever. He was my best friend in school and still is now. Sometimes I wish that we never left. I wish we could of stayed here. If we did stay here I wouldn't have met my other brothers Harry. I wouldn't be doing half the stuff I am now. I wouldn't even be in this house. Stuff happens for a reason I guess, but that doesn't mean you won't regret it.

Augustus P.O.V

I set Taylor on her bed she looks so peaceful. To bad it will never happen. She likes that Harry guy way to much to go out with me. I don't even think she would go out with me. She is like a celebrity and I am just the guy that works at Nandos for 5$ an hour. I yawn. I hope she doesn't mind if I stay here. I lay on her couch and look at her until my eyes begin to drift.

"Bam!" I hear the door slam and I rush downstairs. I see Niall talking to someone in the door way. I can see curly brown hair. It is a dude. Then I hear it. Taylor rushes by me and jumps into his arms she yells "Harry!" I feel numb she just did that I front of me! Keep Call Augustus she isn't yours and she won't be now! I feel like an idiot I shouldn't be here. I slowly walk into the kitchen where they are standing. I awkwardly stand there and watch as they all talk. Then Taylor turns around and looks back at Harry and takes a step back. She looks at me and stands by me. Harry looks at me and back at Taylor his expression is hurt. He looks at Niall and Niall says he is going to show him where he will be staying at. I look at Taylor she is looking at the ground. This is going to be so awkward.

So now you know a bit about Augustus. I don't know who I picture him yet so just have to wait. My birthday is Thursday YES!

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