Remember Where You Belong

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Taylor's P.O.V

I woke up to Niall shaking me. I was in a plane. Everyone was getting off. I stood up. Niall said I slept the whole way there. So it wasn't a dream. I sat up and walked off of the plane. That is weird. There are NO fans. Niall took my arm and we grabbed our luggage. He said mum was waiting for us in the Parkin lot. We walked out of the airport and I was expecting fans. None. No fans at all. I see mum and I wait till she pulls up since in Ireland it was raining surprise surprise...

I get into the car. Niall gets the passenger and I have to sit in the back. It is about a 20 mon drive so I lay my head back and fall asleep again.

Harry P.O.V

I see Taylor look back at me I almost run up to her and kiss her but wave. There was my chance it just blew away like a bird. Whoosh. I get off the plane. No fans. Then I remember Simon told all the fans we were done and there was no more one direction. I can't believe we have no fans anymore. I look at my twitter and change my bio and picture back. I only have 1 million and five hundred followers now. I can't believe fans just drop you like a snap of a finger! Wow. I wonder if Taylor is off of the plane yet. I wonder what all the boys are doing. This is goin to be hard to get used too.

Niall P.O.V

We gt to our house. It is not tan not brown. I look in the back seat. Taylor is sleeping. I tell mum I am going to grab her. She says Ok. I do and put her in her old room. it is brown and teal just how she left it. I set up some photos of her and the boys and I look over and she is waking up. What happened? She asked. Then she knew and she blushed. I hit her arm. She said Oww. I say baby and we get into a small argument of course...

Maybe it won't be that hard to get used to. Just have to remember where you belong.....

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