I Don't Know

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My mouth was dry when I woke up. I opened my eyes. "Where am I!" I shouted. I was very panicked. I heard someone yell but I couldn't make it out. I looked up but could only see little light. I think the ceiling crashed on me in my sleep. My arm was sore. I do not honk I am seriously injured though. I yelled "What!" to see if the person responded. They did! The voice said " Taylor are you ok?" The voice was shaky I think it was Harry I am not sure. I yelled back "Yes, I just need help getting out of here!" I heard a crash then some footsteps. The wood was coming off of me. I then saw bright light. Then my eyes adjusted. I tried getting up but my foot was stuck. Harry helped me out. I stood up. My foot was sore and my arm but everything seemed in place. Harry had bruises on his arm. He had a cut on his forehead but nothing major. The other boys were already out side he said. I asked, "what happened?" He said, "A very bad tornado hit a couple minutes after I fell asleep." I was scared that I could have dies during that. It is a Miracle that I am alive. I am so thankful. Wow. Harry to what looks like a street. I see the boys and then other people. When I look around most people's houses are demolished, gone..... "Wow!" I said. "Why would this happen." Niall's head shot up with the rest of the boys. Then ran over to me. All the boys had tear stains on there cheeks. Niall hugged me and said "I though I lost you." "Your my sister and I love you" I was crying now. Harry hugged me too. He said "I knew you were strong and we would find you Niall was just worried about you" The boys all hugged me and so hugged them back. We all did a huddle we were bawling now. There was still missing people. It was so horrible to watch. Harry got a call and it said they had to go to the airport to get on a plane. "I am not leaving!" I said "Look at these poor people missing there loved ones." Harry said "Sweetie we have to go it is not our choice." I shrugged I didn't want to argue. We got into the car. Paul the body guard was driving. When we got to the airport he guided us straight to the airport. The ride only took 3 hours. They were the longest hours ever though. When we landed we went straight to Simons office. We went in and Simon told us to sit we did. He talked abut the tour and how it is going well then he told Niall Louis Liam and Zayn to leave. He told Harry and I to stay. My stomach dropped. The door shut and Simon slammed a magazine on his desk. "What is this?" He said. It was many pictures of me and Harry holding hands and kissing. Harry said, "It is us holding hands and kissing." Simon said, "Yes it is Harry and you know
what is going on with the fans now?" We both shook our heads. They think you are not single and they hate it. "Well they will have to deal with it!" Harry shouted. "No they won't because I forbid you guys to see each other or be around each other!" "What!" we both shouted. "Or I will send you and you won't be around with one direction anymore at all." Harry was fuming now. "Why would you do this?" I asked quietly. "Because it is good for the fans and I can if I want" Harry just stared at the floor. Tears were forming in my eyes now. "You can leave now." "Remember the consequences" We both nodded and left. I had tears streaming down my face when I walked out of the building. How could this happen. Why would Simon do this. I hopped in the car with the boys Harry sat across from me. I looked out the window until we got to where we are staying. I went to where I will be sleeping. I skipped supper and didn't talk to anyone. Maybe I am depressed or just tired. I don't know.......
Edited 5/18/14

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