Jealous Type

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Harry's P.O.V

It was our last day and we were leaving. Liam is still a mess an it has been six days. Sophia is leaving for a modelling job in Tokyo. Liam is still sad and hasn't spoke. His eyes are al puffy and his face is blotchy. I got the bags packed and everything ready to go. Zayn left with Perrie earlier because they had to go to there friends wedding. Taylor is at home she didn't come at all. Louis is packing and Niall is just about leaving.

Louis P.O.V

Eleanor left early. I made her leave. I dumped her. Now that we don't have management or anyone any more I could dump her. She had a different boyfriend anyways but they kept it a secret. The boys knew she was faking too. They don't know I dumped her yet. So now I am single again. I hug Liam and tell him goodbye and all the other boys and wait for Harry. Harry an I have been sharing a house ever since management cut us off. He got in the car and we drove. Harry turned out the music and we chatted a bit. They I told him. Eleanor and I broke up. Be looks at me eyes bulging. "I knew you guys were faking but I thought you liked her." He says. I told him "I never did she was to needy." He nods and pays my shoulder. "You did the right thing e said." "Thanks." I say. It only takes 2 hours to get to our place in green field. We have a fairly big house. It has a balcony which is pretty wicked. Also we both get our own bowling alley. Harry puts his bags down on his bed and I go to the kitchen. He takes out his phone and calls Taylor...

Taylor P.O.V

I open my eyes. The boys go back home today. I open the shades and I go on to my balcony. The sweet Ireland air hits me. I can here the water crashing. I see people rushing along to get to work or where ever they are going. I see Niall's range rover pull up. I wave and he waved back. I wish Harry came to with him. What is wrong with me? I can't wish that! Harry is only a friend. As soon and I have my inter monologue. Harry's name appears on my phone screen. My phone rings. "I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby" Starts playing. I answer it. He says "Hi" I do the same. He tells me about Eleanor a Louis breaking up. Sophia and Liam's fight. I am kinda happy I didn't go. Harry and me talk for a while longer. There is a knock on my door. "Knock knock" says the voice. I would know that voice anywhere. "Augustus!" I yell. I can just picture Harry's confusion right now. I don't really care though because it is Augustus. I have missed him so much. I hang up on Harry. I will talk to him later but right now is Augustus.

Harry's P.O.V

Taylor answers and I swear my heart leaps. Her voice sounds like an angel. We talk for fifteen minutes or so and I hear some guy saying knock knock. I jump and start asking Taylor who is that? I panic. Does she have a boyfriend? Who is he. "Augustus" she yells into the phone. He hugged her because it got muffled. "Taylor hello?" I question and she hangs up on me. "Taylor" I whisper. I put my head between my hands. Why do I have to be the jealous type.

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