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Everyone Wil probably hate me now who reads this but I am sorry I just can't continue with this book anymore I am not that I to one direction anymore and I am kinda lose with this book and can't come up with anymore things to write about so sorry I will be posting a book in a while here is the secret preview.

Dark brown and green eyes. This girl was not just any girl though, because she had horrible parents that payed NO attention to her. They only use her as a slave. Her name was Scarlett They called her Scarlett Slave. Her parents went to bars and Scarlett had to drive them back when she was only 13. She had to clean the whole house and take care of bills plus buy groceries. She had to do everything. She tried to kill her self multiple times but luckily talked her self out of it. She has no friends at school. They mistreat her and say disgusting names to her. She couldn't afford nice clothes because she had to do everything else. Her parents couldn't help as you see. She didn't have any siblings or family she knew about. Until one day a new guy moved into her town. He didn't know anyone at all. She wanted to talk to him but she got scared. Until she got partnered up with him for a science project and she found out he wasn't so bad after all. They just seemed a bit lonely.

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