Lux Day

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I am so so so so so sorry I have not updated. I have been practicing a lot of my dancing and cheer since my recital is next week. I am very sorry! Will you forgive me? I hope so anyways here is the next chapter.

Taylor's P.O.V

I woke up in Harry's bed. The telly was still on and Harry was snoring with his hand knotted in my hair. I got it out. It took about 10 min. I managed to get out and not wake him up. Niall and Liam were downstairs chatting away. Niall had some horrible cereal and Liam was eating Niall's cereal. I took it away from them. They both shouted "HEY!" at the same time and glared at me. I asked them if they would like some real breakfast and they both looked very happy. I got out the pancake mix and started mixing it up. I put it on the pan. Liam and Niall were still chatting until I felt some hands on my back. Niall said " Hey that is my sister!" Harry and I chuckled and so did Liam. Liam must have told Niall or something. "Hmmm" I made pancakes for all the boys. Louis and Zayn didn't wake up yet so I put the left overs in the oven. I sat down and ate my pancakes. I drowned them with syrup and so did Niall. Then I heard Harry's phone go off and his eyes lit up. He told the boys that Lux and Lu are coming over. I looked at them very confused. They looked at me and then said, Lu is our hair and makeup dresser. Lux is three years old and is her daughter. Harry loves her to death I guess. Then I thought of Harry playing with little kids. I do not know what would be more hot or adorable! A half and hour passed by and Louis was up. Zayn was just coming down the stairs looking very drowsy. He then looked up and saw pancakes. He went a little bit faster and then got his food and ate it. We told the boys Lux and Lu were coming over but they didn't seem to excited except for Harry. He was so so excited. I thought he would burst. We heard a knock at the door and Harry leaped up and opened it. Before I could see the older woman Harry brought her into a big hug. Then a little girl about 3 years old like Harry said came running in jumping into Niall's arms. He hugged her tight. The little girl looked around until she noticed me. She got out of Niall's lap and came over to me. She walked very shyly and came over. She put her arms out and I picked her up. She was just adorable! She then said very quietly into my ear. My name is Lux and I am three. She hooded up three fingers. All of the boys cooed and awwed. Soon the little girl went and hugged the rest of the boys. A woman in her Middle Ages walked in. She had purple hair and looked about 20. She came over and said Well you must be Taylor. Niall and Harry have told me so much about you! I am glad I finally get to meet you she said. Harry will not shut up about you! I laughed and Harry blushed. It was adorable. Lu came earlier because the boys had an interview so she had to do there hair. It was so fun to play with Harry and Lux. I hope one day I can have a kid of my own. Maybe with Harry... He is amazing with kids and so kind to them. It was the most exciting day ever with Lux! We went swimming them did some handstands and played dress up and baked cookies! I wanted her to

stay longer but she had to go. I will never forget Lux and hope to see her soon again!

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