36 Days

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Today the nurse "Amy" said that I could go home. I was happy but I didn't know where home was.I knew that the blonde boy "Niall" was my brother and that is all I could remember. I knew what happened to out parents and that I also have a brother named Greg. It was just so confusing and frustrating. I knew everything about my childhood and my parents. I couldn't remember who those 4 boys where. I couldn't remember any of them. I tried and tried I stayed up late just trying to think. I pounded my fists in the pillows. It is so frustrating! Niall came in and started packing my things. He waved and smiled. I waved back. He laughed. When I remembered Niall he laughed because one boy with curly hair that always cried told him something. I nearly shouted NIALL at him. His eyes brightened up and he came and hugged me. The curly one got a nurse and I wrote down everything to our parents to my nephew Theo. She thought someone told me but all I could say was my memory. I was brought back to reality when I saw curly walk in with a wheel chair. He smiled and said get in. I was sitting in the bed with jeans a hoodie and a SnapBack. I got up and almost fell. I have barely been on my feet so I am not used to this. He smirked and took my arm. He led me over to the wheel chair. I smiled as he rolled me out of the room. I have been here for a month and another week. It gets pretty dull and boring here. Curly rolled me out into the lobby. He smiled at me. It was getting late it was about 6 pm. I was getting hungry. Curly or Harry he told me his name was gave me his granola bar. Niall signed me out. On the way home Louis could not stop talking about how he cleaned my room and his. I couldn't stop laughing. Niall told me all there names so now I know. I went to my room and Niall followed. Niall sat in my comfy chair as I changed. I had a tang top and fluffy shorts on. Niall told me if I need anything to yell for him I smiled and hugged him. The room looked very familiar. I remember mostly everything. I went to sleep. I had a terrible nightmare about the car crash. I have never had these. I cried and sat up. I was bawling when I heard a knock on the door. It was one in the morning who would be there. I opened the door and Harry stood there. He was looking very nervous he pulled me into a hug. He let go and shut the door. I asked him if he would stay with me. I could see in the moon light a smile on his face. He said sure. He laid beside me and out his arms around me. I

Said I love you Harry. I do not know why I just did. Weird. He then tilted my head up. He leaned in and I followed. We kissed a sweet comfortable kind of kiss. It then hit me like a bullet. I remembered. Harry was my boyfriend. I lived with One Direction. How could I forget that. I felt horrible how could I forget about Harry he is my everything. I didn't say anything and the kiss ended. He smiled and he said I looked like a ghost. I payed next to him and didn't get that much sleep after that.

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