6 Days

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When I woke up my head was laying on Harry's chest. I was about to get up from him when I heard Niall say something. He said, "why are u up!" I told him "I woke up." He said "fine but get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow." I went back to sleep.

When I woke up again I was lying alone on the couch with a pink blanket. Liam was down below me still on the floor. I could here his soft snores from where I was. I could also here the boys chatting and laughing in the dining room. I remembered that since it was January it was Zayn's birthday month. I knew it was on the 12th. We had 6 days exactly to do something! I thought maybe I should call Perrie Eleanor and Danielle up for a girls day. I called but Danny wanted to meet at her place and we agreed. They are funny and sassy girls. I love them they are like my sisters. Lol I know "cheesy!" I got up and went up stairs to the "3rd room" on the right that is my room. I put on a tight pair of skinny jeans. I also put on my white converse and my "Sassy" shirt. Harry gave it to me for my 16th birthday. I put on Louis beanie too. It was a dark purple one! I love beanies. Louis and I always share. I have about 10 of them. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door before I got stopped by the boys. They are so nosey! They were like "where are you going" and "why u leaving" I said I am going to Danielle's house. They asked why of course they did. I said to pick out clothes. Did I mention I am a terrible "LIAR?" They let me leave. YES!! I got in Niall's Mustang and left. Danielle's is about 15 minutes away. It isn't that bad of a drive. It may be pretty far though. I try to find a good cd to listen to. I look but all I can find are the "one direction" CD's. I think those boys might be obsessed with them selves. I finally stop looking and put on the radio. I listen and unconditionally comes on. I sing along and then the next song Sweater Weather comes on and I sing along too. Before I know it I am at Danny's. I get my keys and phone and go in. I hear Perrie and Danny talking. I don't here Eleanor though. I close the door and take off my shoes. I walk in and I see them sitting drinking tea. I join them. I get my self a tea cup and pour my self a glass of tea. I here El and run up and hug her. I have not seen her forever! I have missed her. We all go and sit in the dinning room and talk. I bring up the idea of Zayn's Birthday. With all the ideas we have already I know this will be a birthday he will remember!

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