What did I just do

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I got up from my bed and went to my door. "There was a note!" It said on it. "I don't know if I should but I do like you a lot. Do you like me back?"

I didn't know what to say. Maybe I do like him but it would ruin Harry and I's relationship. I took the note off the door. I didn't do anything with. I put it in my desk. I didn't want anyone to see it. I just slept on it.

Harry's P.O.V

I was getting tired so I turned off the TV and headed up stairs. I said goodnight to Nialler who was in the kitchen having ice cream. I headed up. I got into my room and changed. I was taking off my shirt when I noticed a note on my mirror. It said "Do you Like Me..." I knew it was from Tay. "Stupid Louis!" He "had" to tell her. I knew it was him. He is the only one that saw us. "Hopefully" I decided to write back. I got out the same sharpie and a pink sticky note. "I don't know if I should, but I do a lot... Do you like me back?" I didn't want to write that much but I thought that would be good. I ran to her door and stuck it there. I went behind the wall and watched. She got opened the door and looked at the note. She bit her lip. She always does it when she is thinking. It is "adorable. "What am I saying!" She looked back and forth then went into her room. I sighed and slid down the wall. "What did I just do."

*The Next Morning*

Taylor's P.O.V

"I went downstairs" and saw no one down there. I got out some chi tea and warmed it up. I also got a bagel with spread on it. I sat at the table picking little bites out of my bagel and eating them. I got on twitter also. I heard someone come down. I looked up. It was Liam. I said "Good morning." He just grunted. He sat down and ate his Toaster Strudel. He started talking about the weather. I was not listening and occasionally I would "mhhhmm." Until I heard Harry's voice. I got up to go take a shower then. When I came out of the shower. I got dress. I heard a "knock" on my door. I opened it and it was Nialler. He came in and I went to go put my hair up in a bun. He sat on my couch. He said "Tay" I said "ya". Nialler said "You cannot keep avoiding him your whole life." I knew who he was taking about right away. I mumbled "I know". He just sat there and looked around. We had a "brotherly and sisterly talk." "I like having them and I miss them." They are nice are we rarely have them. He is just hanging with the boys so much that we rarely talk. It was nice. "I still do not know what I am going to do about Harry though." "UGHH!"

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