2.20 Tag, you're it

Start from the beginning

"Well, yeah. That and everything else. You're a part of our team now and-" Katara begins, Asha groaning from behind her at the incoming fight. 

"Look. I didn't ask you to help unload my stuff. I'm carrying my own weight. Besides, Raiko's new too and I don't see him helping."  Toph points irritated.  Said male just looks back to his task, helping Asha with Gumi, neither him or Asha going for the low fruit of 'you can't see anything'.

Letting the last statement go, Katara places her hands on her hips. "That's not the point. Ever since joining us you've been nothing but selfish and unhelpful." 

"Katara, don't start-" Asha begins, Toph cutting the girl off. 

"What?! Look here, sugar queen, I gave up everything I had so I could teach Aang and Asha Earth bending, so don't you talk to me about being selfish!"  Toph quickly sits, bringing up slabs of Earth to create another tent. 

"Sugar Queen?! " Katara is cut off by a slab of Earth slamming in front of her. "D-did you just slam the door in my face?!"  Without another word, Asha simply grabs Katara dragging her away. 

"How can she be so infuriating?!" The water bender asks, yelling as she tilts her head up. Asha allowing her to stomp away.

"Okay, okay, you both just need some time to calm down."  Aang says as he walks up, coming to Asha's aid 

"Both?! I'm completely calm!" Katara yells, turning to face the two air benders, who wince as she does. 

"I...can see that." Aang slowly backs away, pulling Asha with him.


Once more, the group settles down for a well deserved sleep. Sokka and Raiko lay in their own sleeping bags, the latter drooling onto his arm while Asha and Aang lay next to each other, tangled within their own limbs.  

"The stars sure are beautiful tonight." Katara speaks up, her brother covering her head as Asha looks over in annoyance, irritated Katara felt the need to keep bringing this up.

"Don't say it-" 

"Too bad you can't see them, Toph!"  Katara snarks, a rumble of Earth flying at the girl, launching her up and onto her brother. 

"Hey, how is a guy supposed to sleep with all this yelling and Earth quaking!"  Sokka yells, turning to his sister. 

"That thing is back!" Toph yells, getting rid of her tent. 

"Well, how far away is it? Maybe we can close our eyes just for a few minutes." Sokka grunts, turning over as Raiko stands up. 

"I wouldn't count on that." Raiko looks up to the smoke stacks over the trees, already groaning.

And just like that they were in the air again. Toph, Sokka, Katara and Aang on Appa and Asha and Raiko on Gumi. 

"Seriously, what is that thing?"  Katara leans over the saddle. 

"And how does it keep finding us?" Toph chimes, peering over the saddle as well. 

"I don't know, but this time. We're gonna lose 'em." 

When they land, Appa quickly topples over, throwing his passengers off the saddle as Gumi lands gently beside him- keeping his passengers on.  The four thrown-off passengers remain where they are, laying down in defeat. 

"Okay, forget about setting up camp. I'm finding the softest pile of dirt and going to sleep." Sokka moans out, laying on his rolled up sleeping bag. 

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