The closer I got to the fight the more afraid I became. I wasn't going to let fear hold me back, even if it was for me. I don't want my boyfriend to live without his mate but I always won't turn my back on my people.

There was a fight between a familiar wolf and one of the humans. A silver dagger fell beside them but it didn't matter to the human, he has other methods of hurting the wolf. I snatched the dagger from the floor and stomped toward the human whose attention caught me. Before he could react, I kicked the crease behind his knee with the back of my foot making him kneel on it. I punched him in the throat and pulled off his helmet. A man with a large scar was revealed but it didn't give me any hesitation before I slit the silver dagger in the thin skin at the side of his neck.

He began to choke on his blood, gurgling in pain and I let him fall onto the ground. He bled out almost instantly and a small dangerous smile played on my lips for a quick second. It didn't scare me as much as it should have. I looked at the wolf and recognized her eyes.

"Tori." I gave her a nod which she returned. With satisfaction, I walked away from her. Tori's wolf ran past me and attacked another human who was harassing a young pup that didn't make it out.

Suddely, I heard a loud whine like a dog getting kicked and my head instantly shot to the noise. A large black wolf stood before me and all of its glory. The thrash on its eye to its snout bled thinly. But its beautiful light hazel eyes with a surge of dark blood red were unmistakable. Jackson.

I went running to him but halfway there I was tackled to the ground. The man on top of me threw a hard punch to my face. A splitting pain erupted in my nose and blood trickled down. Thankfully, the guy was straddling me letting me bring my knee up into his crotch.

He groaned on top of me and I went to push him off before I heard a loud angry roar. It made everything freeze in time. The fight stopped and everyone looked over in shock. Even the human couldn't believe their ears and their eyes filled with pure fear. For some reason, I wasn't afraid. I felt saved.

I pushed the man off of me and quickly stood up. The black wolf, my boyfriend, standing growling over him. Silva drooled from his vicious teeth and on the man who attacked me. His eyes glowed fully red and threatened the man before him.

"Okay, okay." A man's voice yelled into the cemetery making me freeze in my spot. I know that voice. "I'm sure you guys sent the message clearly. I was waiting for an introduction but now seems like the best time than never."

I hesitantly turned around to see the one person I did not want to. The man who killed the Alpha. The one who rained down horror on children. Who did all of this? The mysterious man. My father.

"D-dad?" I stuttered. "W-What- how?"

He looked at me sadly, he looked away from me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whipped my head toward the owner. Jackson shifted into his naked human body and he looked at me with shock in my eyes.

"I wanted to tell you for so long, Mija." My father said, he walked towards us but the wolves growled in front of me making him stand back. "Okay, I understand. That's your Luna."  

"What are you doing?" I breathe out.

"Spencer, I need you to listen." He calmly said.

"Yes, Father! I'll listen to the reason why you're killing people! Kids! Tell me why!" I screamed.

Now Or NeverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin