That's all I hear before my vision gets spotty and darkness consumes me.


"Spencer?" A distant voice calls making me groan. "Open your eyes." He begs. "Please."

My eyes flicker open instantly narrowing at the light. My ears ring and my body aches.

"Spencer," Jackson says again.

"Jackson," I murmur. My hearing comes back only letting me hear the continued screams and shouting of men and women. "What- where?"

"We have to go." He grabs my arm helping me up from the ground. I stumble a bit, my legs are weak and scraped up. 

"Jackson.." I mumble with a soft headache killing me. "He's coming."

"Who?" Jackson asks frantically.

"The man."

"This is him?" He asks angrily, I looked around at this to see people on the ground unconscious and men attempting to fight the other men in black SWAT-like uniforms. The people are from the funeral.

"I'm too late. I'm so sorry, Jackson." I cry. tears fall down my cheeks. "I should've answered it the first time."

"What do you mean?" He grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at him.

"Diego was calling me in the car to warn me and I ignored it!" I exclaimed over the awful sounds of screaming. Jackson pulls me into a tight hug.

"It's not your fault." He whispers, two hands yank us apart.

"We have to go!" Tori yells at us, dirt on her face like Jackson but none of them baring injuries as I must have. Behind her, Kate is trying to fight the black human men but failing. She retreats back to us.

"Fucking move!" Kate screams and we obey, running the opposite way.

We didn't get far until we were faced with an average-sized human man. His face was covered by a helmet and a gun was in his hands. Jackson pulls me behind him instinctively and the others take an attacking stance.

Kate was the first one to attack and seconds later, Tori. Kate kicks the back of his knee making his leg kneel. Tori back elbow him in the nose and snatched his gun away, chucking it away from us. But the tables turn once the guy takes a long silver dagger and stabs Kate in her thigh. Tori yells her mate's name only giving the guy more time to pull out one of his silver weapons. Jackson squeezes my forearm in protectiveness.

The guy wraps the silver change around Tori's ankle and yanks her to the floor. He straddles her body with the chain wrapped around his knuckles. The connecting chain chokes her thin tanned neck. She screamed in agony for the burning of the silver caused.

"Jackson, do something." I cry pathetically.

This snaps something in my boyfriend making him tackle the killer to the ground. Tori immediately get up and runs to Kate's side ignoring the smell of searing flesh and the burning pain in her neck. Jackson throws punches into the guy's helmet breaking it. Blood smears on the unbroken parts of Jackson's knuckles, I couldn't tell whose blood it was. The guy takes his precious silver dagger and slices Jackson's bicep making him scream in pain as the knife sears his flesh.

With a quick swift of his leg, the guy is on top of Jackson raining down his own punches on his face. Out of instinct, I run and grab the silver chain he dropped before. Continuing on to the two men fighting, I wrap the chain around the guy's neck and pull hard. He immediately goes for the chain but I pull my thighs around on his shoulder to prevent him from doing that. Squeezing my thighs tightly, I thank myself for never skipping leg day.

It took a few harsh pulls of the chain until I heard bone breaking. I held on for a couple more seconds, for safe measure, until I let the man fall lifelessly to the ground. Looking up at my boyfriend trying to catch my breath. He looks at me confused and impressed.

"Is that regular human stuff? Where did you learn to do that?" He asked curiously. I rolled my eyes and walk to him smashing my lips into his.

"My father," I answered his question. "And don't ever make me finish your fights for you." I joke.

"You're the one who told me to go in." He shoots back.

"Kate," I remember, turning toward the couple I see Kate using Tori as a crutch.

"She needs to go to the hospital. Her werewolf healing won't heal a stab caused by silver." Jackson says behind me. "And you need to leave me. I need to help my pack with the others."

"Jackson, you couldn't even take down one guy how do expect to take them all down?" I yell at him.

"You can't stay here, Spencer!" He growls, and his eyes turn yellow in frustration.

"Fuck you! This is my pack too!" I scream. He looks at me with something shining in his eyes.

"Get ahold of Diego and get the injured kids and women out of the cemetery. Kate will go with you." He orders and I reluctantly agree. He's right, I need to focus on the injured and he needs to act as alpha.

"Fine, but do not get yourself killed," I begged. He kissed me one more time before smiling solemnly.

"No promises."

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