"Now, that's even hotter." I grin widely, almost unable to hold back a playful chuckle. He searches my eyes with an amused look on his face. Jackson licks his lips making them glossy and tempting.

As if he were reading my thoughts, I felt his lips smash into mine hungrily. I lean into the rough passionate kiss, fluttering my eyes closed. His lips craved all kinds of things only I could provide. This was something I could get lost in... and never come back. The touch of his fingers gliding up the skin of my back stopping at the edge of my sports bra. Our bodies being so close but not completely touching creates this wanting tension between us.

I run my finger through the back of his hair and softly yank slightly pulling his head back. As he moans, vibrating on my lips, I readjust higher so I'm leaning my head over his. My knees dig into the bed on the sides of him.

Coming back to reality, I press my hands on his bare chest and push away. My eyes stay closed as I breathe in more air. My chest huffs and puffs. Jackson's forehead pressed up against mine making my eyes flutter open. His deep hazel ones look back at me with a hint of yellow.

"That was..." I mumble but I couldn't finish my breathless sentence. Feeling tired out of nowhere, my day was productive and surprising. So much information to process, it was like I was stuck in this state of shock. I couldn't get these questions out of my head but being tired and here with Jackson muffled them enough.

"Hot," Jackson whispered. And it really was. It was so different from all the other times I've kissed a boy, he was different.

"unlike anything I've ever experienced." I finish my sentence with a mumble. "Is that... Was that because...?" I didn't know what to say.

"Because we are soulmates." He answers the racing questions in my head.

I chuckled at him and leaned back getting a good look at the clock on my nightstand. "We should go to bed," I tell him.

"The same bed?" A smirk plastered on his tired face.

"Why not?" I shrugged, then a weird thought came to my head. "Do werewolves sleep?"

Jackson smiled. "Probably more than humans."

"What about vampires?"

"Not so much. They are night people but they can sleep and most do." He explains and I nod, so much more research I wanted to do but my body was already heavy with sleep.

"Um, I need to shower, I'm sweaty and I stink." My eyelids are heavy, I don't want to smell when I'm with this gorgeous boy. 

"I don't care, Spencer. You're tired, just go to sleep. I think I can handle your sweat." Jackson wants to laugh, I can tell, but he doesn't and I just nod my head agreeing with him.

Restlessly, I crawl under my covers and snuggle up to my pillow. Jackson follows my lead hesitantly like he knows he can't control himself. I grab his hand to let him know that losing control is a worry for both of us but I don't care.

So there we are, laying on the pillows watching each other. My face is close to his. I could hear his nervous breathing and he could see the pink blush along my face. There was nothing else I could do but kiss him, I missed his soft lips so much.

Immediately, Jackson kissed me back slowly this time. Trying to preserve every bit of the moment we have together. I felt excited, treated gently, and loved all at the same time. He did no premature trick like flick my lip with his tongue or force it down my throat. It was thought out and simple but filled with so must love that I didn't think it was possible.

And then it was over. I smiled as my nose gently rests against his. Both of our breathing was heavy but still steady. I felt Jackson cup the side of my cheek and give me a little peck on my nose. As a return, I pecked his lips and pulled back.

"Goodnight." He whispered as my eyes fell heavy. I whispered it back and then let the tiredness take over.


My eyes opened exhausted, and the sunlight shot through my room blinding me for a good second. Groaning, I roll over and reach to the other side of my bed. I let my arm stretch over the emptiness.

Something struck me, it wasn't supposed to be empty. I remember Jackson staying the night last night. My heart was crushed by the thought that he left me.

Sighing and trying to get over it, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. I stretched while standing, for a moment and yawned. My legs stumbled to the mirror and I studied myself.

My makeup was still on and barely intact, and mascara smudged under my eyes. My eyes felt crusty and my hair felt greasy. Thank God Jackson wasn't here to see this mess.

As a solution, I decided to take a shower finally. Transferring from my jogging outfit to a black dress and white socks. I threw my long hair into a thick bun and would finish getting ready later. The smell of breakfast hit my nose as I walked down the hall to the kitchen.

"Dad?" I called, and he usually never makes breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen to see an unusual sight. Jackson, still inappropriately shirtless, made breakfast while my father sat in the island chair with a newspaper in his hand and wearing his black suit.

"Morning," Jackson said once he saw me. My dad looked up from his newspaper and smiled.

"Hey, darling." He says with a small accent stuck to his voice.

"Uh- I guess you met Jackson," I mumbled, embarrassed and a bit worried about the man who never had met any of the boys I liked. 

"The lovely kid said he spent the night."

My eyes widened a bit as I paled a bit.



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