"Why are they closed at lunch?" Mark asked next to me. I forgot he was even here.

"Some kids were caught smoking in there so no one is allowed in the building at lunch unless you have permission from a teacher to go in class," Spencer informed us.

"Smoking what?" Cayden asked stupidly.

"Weed, dumbass." She says rolling her eyes and I smirked. Cayden looked taken back before recovering with a small interest.

"Weed?" Stacy questioned. I was wondering as well, the word was unfamiliar to people like us.

"Yeah, the plant that gets you high." She says we looked at her in confusion.

"So, like wolfsbane?" Cayden asked.

"What's wolfsbane?" Spencer asked just as fast and confused.

I glared at Cayden and he kept his mouth shut. Okay, so I guess they don't have wolfsbane. How they get through school is a mystery.

"Okay, 600 building is where you will probably have most of your classes. It's math, science, language, etc." She pointed across the way at a cluster of small buildings. "That's the 700 buildings, it's your English and social studies classes. The building next to that is the 800 building which is drama, band, and dance."

I watched her explain the classes, her hair moving with her every time she looked anywhere. The movement of her full lips each time she gave us information sent chills down my spine. I watched her occasionally bite her bottom lip during short pauses. Every second I smelt her delicious scent, my love for her grew fonder.

"If your classes are lower than 500 then it's on the middle school side. So this is one big campus split into two. You are not allowed on the middle school side unless you have a class there. There are red lines around the school, which means you can't cross them before, at lunch, or after school. You can't leave campus unless you are a senior with a valid pass. They lock the gates after lunch, and a side note, they only check IDs 15 minutes into lunch." She tells us.

"Damn this school has a lot of rules," Cayden commented.

"And if you break them, you're sent to the Student Responsibility Center, or SRC, that's located above the library, it's also known as the 500 building. Your counselor is in the counseling office that's right next to the SRC." Spencer added onto Cayden.

I guess we shouldn't be going there. I still remember the principal's warnings. If any of us get in trouble then we are done for.

I look the other way and see a group of vampires being given the same tour. I see another group of them, werewolves, and sirens. Other groups of other creatures are all being given the same speech.

A short chubby looking boy passed us making some kind of odd noise. He was going extra slow, looking at us individually before reaching Spencer. His black her combed neatly back and his chubby cheeks were pink from our attention on his. Spencer patiently waited for the boy to approach her.

"Hi, Spencer." He greets her with a deep voice that didn't match his look. I glared at him subconsciously.

"Hey, Kevin." She greets him back smiling. Kevin runs off from her and she turns back to us. I guess we were watching the whole thing unfold and she tilted her head. "I don't know what went on at your old school but kids like him are called special ed. If you don't want your ass handed to you by the athletes then don't make fun of them or mess with them or talk shit behind their backs. We aren't that kind of school." She warns us.

We nod our heads in understanding. We all know that we could take the 'athletes' but this is their school so we follow their rules.

"Okay." Spencer smiles. "Last of our tour, there are two gyms. East and west. And in front of the east gym is the cafeteria. In the middle of the gyms are the boys' and girls' locker rooms. Now if you need any help getting to your classes, there will be students around the school with these jackets all week. Ask them."

"I need help getting to my classes now." I finally say and she immediately looks at me. It takes a second for her to comprehend me before she bites her pink bottom lip again.

"I guess the tour is over so I can help you," Spencer says. Next, to me, I can hear Stacy lowly let out a growl. I ignore it knowing that Spencer most likely couldn't hear it.

"I'll see you guys later," I tell the rest of the group. Cayden smirks at me before leaving with Tori.

"Let me see your schedule," Spencer says handing out her hand. I hand her my classes and she looks through them. "Okay, well you guys came in at lunch so you only have two classes left. Sports P.E. And Stats."

"Do we have to go to the gym or the locker room first for PE?" I ask as I watch her eyelashes flutter, looking down at my classes.

"I have PE with you so I can-" she looks up at me and her eyes widen. I begin to realize how close I really am to her but I couldn't move away. In all honesty, this made me smirk at her. "Um- I can walk you." She whispers.

"Okay." I breathe out, I see her shiver as my breath fans her face. I take a step back before this gets any more interesting. Or maybe difficult.

I can't be with her, she's human. She isn't strong enough to be a Luna. There has never been a human mate before.  I don't know the protocol for this. How this would all happen or what to do. And I am not even allowed to reveal us. I have to follow the rules, especially as future Alpha.

There are just too many conflicts in the way.

Now Or NeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora