Chapter Fifty-Two | Everything

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I sit down on my bed, legs crossed underneath me and a book in my lap. It's been about ten minutes since I got out of the shower and I'm still a bit shaken up from the humming I heard, which I'm sure was just all in my head because of my nightmare

I'm pretty sure Noah is downstairs eating breakfast, but I'm too afraid to join him. I'm scared that he's eating with Eliza and I don't want any confrontation with her until Noah leaves; he already saw me snap yesterday and I don't want him to ever see me like that again.

I push my hair behind my ears before closing my book and moving off of my bed. My eyes fall upon the blanket on wooden crates that make up my bed frame as I place the book on my dresser, and I feel a smile appear on my lips when I remember waking up to him this morning. I pick up his blanket off of the floor and fold it up, before my attention is averted to every other aspect of my room.

The junkyard of my room that is.

My eyes widen and I soon realize that Noah slept in my room! In this pigsty!!!!! Oh my gosh, he must think I'm a hoarder or something.

Or I'm just overreacting because the only messes there are is my unmade bed, dirty dresser top, and dirty clothes.

But it's still messy, and it makes me look bad.

I quickly clean up my room before Noah can reappear, but as I'm gathering all of the dirty laundry I hear a knock at the door. My head twists around and I find him peeking his head inside, and I feel my cheeks nearly catch fire.

His blue eyes graze over me before moving around my room and a smirk pulls at his lips. "Cleaning, are we?"

Deciding that not speaking is better than saying something stupid, I nod and drop all of the dirty laundry into my hamper. He steps further into my room but keeps my door open, and I keep my eyes off of him so that he isn't able to see how embarrassed I am for being a slob.

"Want some help?" He asks and I quickly shake my head as I crawl onto my bed so that I'm able to angle the corners of my comforter on the the sides. I hear him stifle a laugh and feel my cheeks heat up even more.

"You didn't come downstairs for breakfast," he states and my hands freeze while holding one of my pillows. I slowly look over at him to see him leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets. "Are you hungry? I can go back down and bring you back something?"

I shake my head again with a small smile, loving how he cares about me and is willingly showing me. "I'm fine."

Before I can blink, he's standing right in front of me. My eyes widen and I stumble back a bit, trying to regain my balance. He grabs onto my waist and stares straight through me with narrowed, blue eyes.

I stare back at him, waiting for him to say or do something. But his eyes never leave mine, quietly analyzing me like I'm a science project. And then, suddenly, his hands begin moving up and down my waist as his fingers dig into my skin.

I burst out laughing as my eyes squeeze shut and I push at his shoulder so that he would let me go, but he continues holding tightly onto me. He continues to tickle me and I scream at him to stop and let me go, but he's too stubborn to do what I say.

"Noah!" I cry out, my cheeks hurting from smiling too much. "Stop! Please, I beg you!"

He takes a step forward, his grip on my waist tightening and his fingers cease their deadly movement, causing me to step back towards my bed and I lose my balance.

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