Chapter Forty-Seven | Memories

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"Take a left here," Gabby instructs as I rest my head against the window in the backseat. Carson is at the wheel, following Gabby's directions to wherever she's taking us.

Suddenly, Gabby's phone starts ringing in her pocket and she pulls it out with furrowed brows. I look over to see Ax's contact photo on her screen and she quickly looks back at me.

"Alaina, cover your ears," she orders and both Carson and I look at her curiously. "Noah could be on the phone and if you hear each other's voice, it could destroy your eardrums."

I do as she asks and she answers the phone, placing it against her ear. I watch as her lips move, but I can't hear anything. Normally when you cover your ears to prevent yourself from hearing anything, you still end up hearing everything. But all I hear is silence.

My brows draw together and I listen for something, knowing that I will hear it later. This happens way too often for me not to know to listen.

Out of nowhere, I hear a crack of lightning and a round of thunder, sending shivers down my spine but I know it isn't real. It's all in my head. I squeeze my eyes shut and focus on the sound of raining falling against something hard.

I try to think hard, trying to remember anything about rain because I know that outside, the blue sky is completely bare; not a cloud in sight. Flashes appear behind my eyelids: white lightning appearing in the dark sky, naked trees with long branches sticking out so far that they touch the ground, footprints in the mud and grass, and finally, purple explosion that leaves behind a trace of purple particles rising up into the rain and lightning.


I keep my eyes shut as the images continue flashing by fast. Lightning strikes behind the terrifying trees that remind me of a horror movie, a muddy trench filling with water, and a broken bookshelf. Before I open my eyes, I see one last thing that causes the blood to come rushing out of my nose.

A pair of bright blue eyes.


I slowly open my eyes, feeling dizzy and tired, my head spinning back and forth as I meet Carson and Gabby's concerned faces. My vision blurs as I stare at them and a lazy smile raises to my lips, causing their brows to furrow.

"What did Ax say?" I ask.

Carson begins digging through her console for a couple of napkins before passing them to me. I take with a nearly dead arm and press the wad against my nose.

"Alaina, what did you do?" Gabby asks, ignoring my question. "Why is your nose bleeding?"

"Noah has blue eyes..." I whisper as my head falls against the door. Gabby's brows furrow and she glances over at Carson, who wears the same concerned expression. "I saw them...and the rain...and...purple..."

"This was a bad idea coming here," Gabby whispers whilst shaking her head.

I blink slowly before turning my gaze out the window. We're parked in the woods, surrounded by millions of trees, but that's not what catches my eye.

The small house that looks completely abandoned is what piques my interest.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"We should take her home. She doesn't have enough energy for this," Gabby states and Carson looks back at me.

"The longer it takes her to remember Noah, the faster De Umbra will find her. Noah is her protector, that why De Umbra slip them apart." Carson claims and I look over at them.

Destined DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora