Chapter Eighteen | No More Lies

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I wake up to the sound of soft music surrounding me. That and the sound of loud thunder and lighting. I jump in my seat, my head instantly colliding with something hard. "Ow!" I groan loudly as I rub the side of my head.

When my eyes begin to focus on black carpeting, I lean up and come face to face with a seemingly angry Noah. He stares at me with somewhat calm eyes as his hands remain on the wheel.

Quickly looking away from him, my eyes roam over the jeep and the pile of books sitting in the backseat. When I meet his eyes again, the anger rolling off of him continues to hit me.

"Hi, Noah," I whisper and he quickly looks back at the road. I look in the back seat again, noticing that the books are the ones we were reading earlier. "Are we going home?" I ask, glancing at him again.

He nods slowly, deciding on not speaking for whatever reason. His fingers endlessly tap against the wheel as my eyes flicker over to the radio, specifically the four numbers illuminating the car.

10:45 P.M.

My eyes widen and I quickly look over at Noah. "W..When did I fall asleep?! How long have I been asleep?!" I ask him, my voice cracking in some places as I stare at him.

He looks over at me, his eyes roaming over my body and I look down at myself. "And why the hell am I soaking wet?!"

"You don't remember anything?" He hums from next to me, his eyes going back to the road.

"What am I supposed to be remembering?" I question, my brows furrowing as my stomach begins churning.

His tongue skims over his bottom lip before he looks over at me. "Well, how about we first start off with you lying to me? Huh?" His brow raises as mine continue to furrow.

"Noah, what are you-"

He grabs my wrist, neglecting the wheel as he pulls down my sleeve to showcase the tattoo on my skin. "Didn't think you'd mention this?" He asks as I rip my arm back into my chest. His hands go back to the wheel and I notice how heavy he's breathing.

"It's not important," I say as convincingly as I can.

"Bullshit. It's nearly the same as mine. How did you do it?" His voice comes out rough as he drives down the road. He seemingly softens up as he huffs out a breath and looks over at me. "Were you hurting yourself again?" He asks.

My eyes widen at his question and I quickly look down at my lap. "You were, weren't you?" He whispers.

"No," I snap at him, looking back up to see his eyes narrowing at me. "I wasn't. It just happened."

"Don't lie to me," he shakes his head, "no more lying. No more lies. Tell me the truth."

"No more lying?" I scoff, brows raising as I turn to him. "I'm not the only one here who isn't telling the truth."

"What is that supposed to mean?" He barks as he looks at the road again before back at me.

"What happened at your grandmother's house? Tell me the truth and I'll do the same."

"This isn't about me." He states and I can feel his anger rising. "This is about you. It's all about you."

I glare at him and he just glares straight back. "How did it happen?" He repeats his question. "You pushed me when you did it the first time. You hurt me. You hurt yourself, didn't you?"

"No! I didn't hurt myself!" I shout, but it doesn't seem to faze him. "All I did was take off my bandage to see if I healed, but I didn't!" I pull up my shirt to show him the white scar on my ribcage. His eyes widen when he looks down at it, but he quickly looks back up at me. "If that bite healed my shoulder, why didn't it heal here? Huh?" I yell at him.

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