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Song: Jessie J - Flashlight

I brought a hand up to my eyes, wiping the non-existent sleep from it and releasing a small, forced yawn.

From across the table, Zeddicus observed my tiring form with a curious tilt to his head. With us, Teelah and 3 other suitors sat enjoying the quiet, uncomfortable dinner. It seemed only Teelah and the other 3 made it past the test and trials subjected against us. There was a tense silence that hung in the air around the table as we all ate the tenderized meat and vegetables of Deteria lands. Zeddicus was oblivious to it all or at least acted like it, but between the 4 of his suitors there was an unsaid animosity knowing that we each rivaled each other and was essentially the ticket to each other's fated doom.

"You've been very tired the past four days and sleeping a lot. Why is that?" At Zeddicus' words, everyone's eyes swiveled in my direction. I nearly choked at his words seeing all of their probing stares turn towards me. Out of the five other people at this table, only one was fond, or even liked me. My plan to appear tired and excuse myself politely from the table paused. Especially as Teelah's eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Erm, I really am not sure. You've gave me a little bit more freedom, so I have just been exploring and keeping to myself."

A curl to his lips appeared as he seemed to conclude my words as truthful. "Your drive to defeat me has seemed to dwindle as well." The mocking lilt in his tone was clear, but little did he know that drive hadn't decreased. It may have shifted for some time, but once again I was back on plan.

Despite my inner thoughts, I worked to keep my external appearance calm and unreadable knowing the other stares were analyzing me like I was under a microscope. Back rigid, I glanced around slowly, making eye contact with each rueful gaze, before landing my eyes back on Zeddicus'. The small fury that burned in my eyes were unmistakable, but the frown to my lips was just an extra touch. "Like I've told you before. You've pretty much...beat that out of me." My fist balled under the table in my lap at Teelah's snickering. "There's only so much a person can take. You're right. You have me right where you want me, and I do not see any way out of it."

The small truth and the genuine defeat to my words took my point home and Zeddicus couldn't seem to hold his smirk back. Not that he tried.

"Planning for the wedding." I turned to look directly at Teelah knowing this new tidbit of information to her would hurt. My desired effect was successful when the gloating tilt to her lips was replaced with a pained frown. "Has also been a lot. Just everything is really tiring." I let out a small sigh, knowing the soft spot that Zeddicus had for me.

Two days after my encounter with the albino dragon I had been placed back in lockdown in my room. Yet, seeming keen with my moods and noting that I was sleeping more than usual, Zeddicus had lifted the order and allowed me a small bit of freedom to roam the castle.

He had believed I was sleeping more because of a deteriorating mental capacity, little did he know it was my only escape these days. If he ever found out why I was always chasing sleep, he would most likely force me to stay awake day on end.

"If you would allow it, may I be excused?" I asked, making my voice as innocent as possible and leveling my stare with his. At our connection, his eyes flashed white and then pack to their crystallin blue.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So what did he say after that?" Ike questioned, his signature grin accentuated by his one dimple appearing on his face.

A small snort erupted from me coming to the conclusion of my story. "He was like, 'you've been sleeping a lot lately.'"

Ike and I burst out laughing.

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