Get it Together

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Song: India Arie -Get it Together This song goes so well. It's a great song for healing and forgiving.

Dedication: Once again, I would like to send a shout-out to Amxxxf for this beautiful banner of Ivy. Thanks so much!! Disclaimer: Ivy's physical looks are akin to African heritage.

The first thing I saw when my eyes opened was the blaring brightness of natural light shining down into my face. The silent darkness that had cocooned me not too long ago did not prepare me for the sudden glaring light.

Entire body numbingly motionless, slowly it woke up from its dormant slumber. Blinking slowly, the blurry focus of my environment cleared. In front of me sat merely a wall made out of vine and an opening that I assumed was a window of such.

As the seconds ticked body, the numbing sensation faded into a tingling awakening. Like each and every one of my cells were awakening stronger and more vital than ever, my body felt like it had never felt before. Awakened, aware, ready. Normally when I woke up from these things my body ache or felt fatigued and sore; however, I actually felt great, like in my absence my body had taken the time to just amp up and grow stronger.

I began to moved my arm only to slow my movement as my arm felt like it was slowly push itself through some type of wet mud or gel of some type. I began to turn my attention in the direction of my arm but realized also that as I turned my head, the same sensation fell over me.

It quickly came to my attention that wherever I was, I was suspended in some type of preservative shell that felt like a big ball of jelly.

Once more, I tried to move my arm slightly relief falling over me as I came to the conclusion that I was still able to breath properly in this encasement. Like I was wading in water, I attempted to move my limbs but no matter what I did the casement continued to hold me captive only allowing very slow movement of my limbs.

Feeling agitation seep into me at the fact that I wake up from near death only to be trapped in some type of weird Jell-O, I decided to stop acting stupid and use what the goddess and my mama had gave me. My powers.

Heat blared from the tips of my fingers, a herbal smell began to fill my senses as I slowly began to heat up the encasement in hopes that I would be freed. Minutes seemed to go by until abruptly my hands shot out of the preservative and warm Yetheria air swallowed my palms. Taking a deep breath and trying to work with my limited range of motion, I began to rip at the clear jelly like confinement watching it fall to the group and then disintegrate into rose colored grass.

I probably broke a sweat digging myself out, when finally, the jelly encasement grew too weak and I found myself stumbling out of it and onto the ground. With a small thud, I hit the ground knees and hands first and groaned lowly at the pulse of pain from my knees. With an annoyed sigh, I pushed myself off the ground and lightly dusted myself off. As I pushed myself up, I felt something I haven't felt in quite some time which was reinvigorated and unstoppable.

In curiosity, I eyed my attire and the place I was in. It looked to be a small hut made out of the pale green vines of trees. There were no doors or windows, but instead just open holes to allow people in and to let the natural Yetherian light into the small cramped area.

Close to the doors were a section of disorderly chairs, where Ivy sat who was hunched over with her hands in her face and shoulders shaking. It was like seeing her made this experience oh so surreal. I was back, in Yetheria, in my actual body. I wasn't in a state of limbo balancing between the afterlife and my current life but here.

In a wary awe, I stuck my arms out and examined them to just to make sure I was actually here and alive. Yup, my skin was still olive and nails still chipped. My hand came up feeling the smoothness of my back which was due to the large cutout of the dress. Eyebrows furrowing, my hand traveled over the expansion of my back again, but all I felt was the smoothness of my skin.

The Cosmic PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora