Danger, Danger, and more Danger

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Song: Kat Dahlia-Walk on water (This is a good song for Ike's and Avril's relationship)

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In the last few weeks, everything that could have gone wrong with me have. I have literally watched as my planet crumbled into destruction, people I loved and cherished turned their backs on me completely, and, oh, I've practically died. Can't forget that one.

Frankly, I had been through the ringer, I had been through hell and back, and I had simply assumed that anything else the universe could throw at me wouldn't be so bad. In fact, a small part of me even believed I would be prepared no matter how bad things could get, because when I thought about it, I had been through so much worst.

However, looking at the heart-stopping sight in front of me, I could officially say that there was a clear distinction from the nightmares I had faced already to the nightmare I was facing now. An emotional nightmare versus a physical nightmare in the flesh, I didn't know which one was worst as terror seized every cell in my body and my mobility functions ceased to exist. Heart thumping, like the thrumming wings of a cage bird behind my rib cage, I concluded that I would very well take on hundreds of Yetherian giants before I ever wanted to take on this creature.

Standing at least 16 feet high or so, a creature with the head and neck of a snake, but the body of lizard stood in front of us.

Transparent scales reflecting the sun's rays ran down the length of its body ending at the three tails that split from its trunk, trailing behind it that disappeared and then reappeared between the gaps and junctions of the trees in front of us. Large, almond shaped red eyes stared down at us unmoving, while a three-forked black tongue jutted in and out of its mouth. Eyes scaling the beast, breath hitched, I took in the green veins that pulsated under its skin and the dark organs that rested, protected under its ebony bone shield.

Eyes flickering to Kaiya, who still laid unmoving, it became all too apparent and all too alarming of how dire this situation was when I took in the blue blood pooling around her head. I was trying to stay calm and collective, but anxiety seized every thought as my eyes flickered back and forth from Kaiya to the beast. Instinctively, my head was turned towards the beast, always making sure to stay aware of the enemy, but my body was angled towards Kaiya ready to get to here and protect her through any means necessary. A small part of me knew I needed to stay focused and allow my thoughts to clear, but all I could think about was how fast Kaiya flew into the tree and how hard she hit the ground when she landed.

"We need to get to Kaiya." Uneasily Mist breathed in a quiet voice, eyes on the creature in front of us, but body also angled towards Kaiya like she was ready to make a mad dash at any moment.

"What do we do?" Nydale's low voice matched Mist's level as we all stood still facing the creature who was equally as motionless. It was waiting I realized.

Suddenly it became all too real that I was in fact reenacting Jurassic Park, with the beast being the ravenous T-rex and us being the stupidly courageous humans trying to play hero for a fallen friend.

"He can't catch all of us." Aeon pipped in briskly. "If we all create a diversion then Mist can make her way to Kaiya and help." Aeon's voice was low, but sounded frantic as his blue eyes swimming with heart-breaking worry kept flickering towards Kaiya. He sounded like a man who was ready to risk it all.

"He's not going to let us get away." I finally found my voice, determination pushing away the fear slightly at the sight of an unconscious Kaiya. "We have to take a him down too."

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