On the Run

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Dedication: I would like to dedicate this to maithooh__03 for the lovely banners that were created for TCP that you can see at the bottom. I love them!

The blaring heat of the sun normally would have soothed me, but as we trudged farther on with the prickling heat blaring down on my skin and my stomach ominously rumbling, I was beginning to feel like I was marching to my death. All the food we had packed for this trip had dwindled and surprisingly no one realized it until this morning when we woke up and noticed the only thing left were energy bars made from scratch that the Yetherian fairies had made themselves for us. They didn't taste that good and there wasn't much so we had tried to ration how much we ate.

Lazily, I swirled my finger in the air. Water materialized in the air and my lips parted allowing the warm liquid to slither down my throat. In dissatisfaction, I let my hand dropped trying to ignore the empty feeling that settled in my stomach. I could practically feel the water sitting in the emptiness of my stomach.

"We should limit the amount of water we drink from around us." Ike spoke up from next me.

I caught his eye only to see he was frowning at me. "Why?"

"Everything is polluted. Getting water from the air probably isn't the safest."

Measly, I shrugged. "We gotta die from something, right?" I tried to joke, but realized my joke didn't hit home when Ike's face went blank and his jaw ticked.

Right...it was still a soft spot.

Deciding to end the conversation right there, I gazed around to my friends to see that they weren't faring well either. Their fatigue was apparent.

"We seriously did not plan this out as good as I thought we did." Aeon muttered sourly, wiping the back of his forehead. The weather was hot and humid, which made this journey even worse.

"That's what happens when we're too eager to save the fucking world and we don't have a good plan." Kaiya hissed annoyed, kicking a piece of metal trash, airing out her frustrations. The trash skidded over more debris around the area in front of us and slowly my eyes drifted to what was in front of us.

We had broken away from the forest long ago, and we believed the breakage of forest meant we were coming upon some type of civilization, but the closer we got the clearer it became.

"It looks like a ghost town." Mist spoke somberly, all of us taking in the delipidating buildings and houses the closer we got.

What most likely used to be a lively city probably with Dynoat cars roaming around and civilians pouring in and out of the city now resembled some type of dystopia. Buildings, some still standing but mostly crumbled ones, littered the land. Abandoned cars peeped through the gaps in between the buildings. Wind whistled through the broken windows creating an eerie sound in the air, and I couldn't even lie, I was slightly spooked.

My attention zoned in on the now increasingly visible water passageway that circled the city, akin to a moat.

Silently, I tore my gaze away from the crumbled city, pushing away the rushing questions of how this planet came to fall, and turned to Ike with a frown. "I'm not getting a good feeling about this." My head motioned in the direction of the approaching town, noting how everyone's moping footsteps had slowed into a wary crawl. "Actually I'm getting a very Walking Dead type vibe from this area." I motioned around me.

"Walking dead?" He looked confused.

"Zombies, death."

"Zombies?" He looked even more confused and I quickly remembered that while his knowledge of Earthlings was extensive, he didn't know everything.

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