Enemy Number One

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I felt sick, stupefied, and disorientated all in one.

My limbs felt heavy and my stomach clenched like I was cramping, but no Aunt Flow wasn't due for about two more weeks so I knew that couldn't be it.

Still hearing those words echoing in my head like some walking nightmare that just wouldn't stop, I ambled in a daze behind Ivy. Every few seconds, Ivy would worriedly glance back at me, but I continued to stare straight ahead.

Queasiness rippled through me as I moped through the forest feeling like defeat was slowly approaching me.

Even when Ike was mine, he wasn't.

I had gone through so much crap with Belladonna just to have what was rightfully mine. I didn't know if I could go through another episode with Teelah. The first war was hard enough. I didn't feel capable enough to go through a second war.

For some reason I just wasn't ready to conjoin officially with Ike, but then again I didn't want to lose him either. It was either I had sex with Ike, or have the potential to lose him.

"You have no faith in Ike." My conscience whispered. However, despite its harsh words I could hear the edge to its voice. It was lacking faith too.

And it's not like I didn't believe in Ike and I. It was just that he had hurt me before, really bad. Events from the past involving him had nearly broke me, so excuse the fuck out of me if I wasn't so ready to put my full trust in him. I loved him with my entire soul, but trusting and putting faith into someone one hundred percent were two different things I felt.

Forgiving was the easy part. It's the forgetting that's difficult.

I believed in us, and I believed that we could get through anything we had to face. It was just the fact that I knew there would be so many setbacks and roadblocks to our happiness that worried me. Ike and I were bound to screw up at one point, I just didn't want any outside forces like Teelah deepening the problems.

Ike was a loyal guy, but I wasn't worried about his loyalty to me. I was worried about what Teelah and her disloyalty could do to affect his loyalty to me.

"It'll be alright Avril. Ike seems to really love you. You have nothing to worry about." Ivy spoke with the utmost confidence as we were coming upon the break in the forest. The thriving village peeked through the thin, purple foliage of the tree. She pushed back a few trees and we entered the village.

Rolling my eyes at her weak cheering up, I shook my head knowing she didn't understand what I did about Teelah. "I know he loves me, but I don't trust Teelah. Everyone sees her as this fly who can't do shit, but even a fly can cause harm." I spoke my worries and the corners of Ivy's mouth tilted down.

Ike loved me, but he cared about Teelah too. They had history, years' worth of history that I would never be able to touch. His perception of Teelah was that she was completely harmless, and from what I was told, he always saw her as someone he needed to protect. What happened if I was made to look like the bad person when I wasn't? It was already happening with my friends, so I had a feeling who he would side with.

And that person wasn't me.

My thoughts were cut short when the sound of Mist's laughter caught my attention. I hadn't heard that uplifting laugh in what felt like weeks. My head snapped to the sound to see Mist walking towards my direction and talking to one of the nurses, or healers as Ivy had corrected me.

Her brown eyes connected with mine and happiness blared in them. "Avril!" She chirped and bounded over to me forgetting about the healer who simply smiled and walked away. I nearly lost my footing as she slammed into me and hugged me with genuine vigor that only Mist could have.

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