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Song: Katy Perry - Rise

I screamed.

That's right. I found out I had wings sprouting out my back and I screamed bloody murder.

At the abrupt noise, people (or creatures, I had no clue how to categorize them) whipped their heads in our direction. Frightened, yet intelligent eyes shot up to the ledge we were standing on seeming to focus on my figure.

Without a second to lose, my mom grabbed my hand and we were suddenly back comforting confinements of her room.

I spun around to my mom.

"What the hell!?"

We both hissed, slight fury coating our tone and then the annoyed expression dropped and we just stared at each other. It was a funny feeling realizing that the mom you never really saw also had similar facial expressions depending on her mood that mirrored your own.

Based off of the thoughtful glow on your face, I had a feeling she was coming to the same realization as me.

Deciding to break the tense silence first, I took a calming breath. I needed to stay calm and not freak out despite the fact that I was hyperaware of feathered extremities jolting out of my back. It was like I could feel new tendons and bones slowing intertwining together to form these new structures.

I really wanted to stay calm and not lose my shit, but when one of the flying cherubs poked one of my wings and I felt the feeling right down to my toes, I flipped.

Jolting away from Reni after she poked my wing with child-like fascination, I stumbled sideways feeling like a stepped on a piece of glass, except the sharp, painful feeling resonated in my wings instead of my foot.

Head snapping in my mother's direction, my hope to stay cool and collected disappeared. " What is going on? Why am I here? What am I? And why are wings currently attached to my back?" I shot out questions, each question only working to elevate my worry until it felt like I would lose my mind.

With a pensive expression on her face and arms crossed, she silently looked at me not even seeming a little bit phased by the fact that her daughter was losing her shit. Damn, her mothering skills were rusty as hell.

She let out a small sigh before leisurely pacing over to a corner portal that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The little cherubs traveled behind her, and without sparing me a look she motioned her hands towards the black portal. An iridescent flame that actually resembled water swirled leisurely in the portal that sort of reminded me of a fireplace.

"Honestly Twinkle, I didn't think you would get wings?" She finally told me as she turned around. Right in front of my eyes I watched as curved wings phased around. Gray wings, that reminded me of a vivacious soot color, flexed from behind her and gently shook like she was waking them up from a long slumber. Light seemed to bounce off the glorious structure as the cherubs, Rene, Nyx, and Clarita squealed excitedly, seemingly enchanted by the sight of the powerful wings my mother sported.

"Mother has black wings, father has white wings, and I have gray wings, of course all different and unique but to see my offspring sporting a family trait..." She gazed off, seeming to be in her own little reverie.

Nice that I was satisfying her lifelong goals, but I needed my mom to get out of la-la land and help me figure some things out.

"Nice to know...but are these permanent?" I thumbed to my wings imaging the frustration I would encounter when I walked through Alem's narrow halls, laid down on my back, or even showered. How long did wings take to dry anyways? Wait, were these wings even meant to get wet. "I'm lost and not understanding anything and you're not helping me."

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