The Touchdown

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"Avril." Someone whispered.

"Avril wake up!" The voice was like a light gentle breeze that wove its way through my hearing as I struggled through the black abyss to consciousness.

"Come on wake up!"

Scrimmaging through the darkness, I began to worry that I may not ever break free from the void.

However, when a sharp sting erupted from my cheek and my eyes flew open in alarm I was effectively pulled out the darkness.

"Avril!" Mist screamed in my face, her frantic brown eyes stared down at me as her unruly hair trapped us in a brown curtain.

My senses burst to life.

I could hear my group yelling and arguing. One voice was the loudest asking someone how they managed to get on the ship. A light floral scent hung in the air like my foster's mom perfume that I would occasionally call grandma perfume because it stunk and was so damn strong. The humid air made the ruined layers of my wedding dress stick to my sleek skin, and there was a pulsing coming my head.

"Are you okay?" Mist asked. Her eyes were still wide and frantic looking over me for any fatal damages.

The emergency lights were no longer on. The ship was daunted in shadows of darkness except for a light that streamed from some unknown place and enveloped half of Mist's face in light. Where the light hit, one of Mist's eyes were a striking light brown and all her perfections were on a sharp glowing display. Even mangled and banged up, Mist was gorgeous.

With Mist's help, I slowly eased my way into a sitting position looking around and nodding. I now realized the light was coming from the open ship door. From my view I realized we had landed...relatively safely, but I knew this was not the planet we wanted to land on.

"Is that pink grass?" I gasped lightly, eyes flicking from Mist and then back to the half hidden scenery outside the door.

"Yes, we landed...but no where near Deteria."

I winced, rubbing the side of my head that had collided with the ship before my blackout. A knot was already forming there. "Then where are we?"

Mist frowned. "I'm not sure exactly but-"

"Where is Ike?" I questioned now realizing that no one besides Mist and I were sill in the ship. "Shouldn't he be the one helping me up, explaining shit to me? Where the hell is he!" I was on my feet before Mist could reply, the sharp pain at my temple now forgotten. Mist probably had healed me slightly while I was still under. That explained why I was able to get to my feet so quickly without collapsing like a bag of potatoes.

As haughtily as I could looked like a ruined mess, I stormed out of the ship and immediately stopped at the top of the stairs.

Our ship had landed in a field of colorful large flowers. Each exotic flower stood up to around chest length, and the petals of each looked as big as my entire hand. A yellow sky greeted me filled with sharp white thin clouds scattered along in it. Grass a bright, almost hot pink color swayed towards the ship as the wind leisurely blew. Trees ornamented with purple leaves led to a dense, enchanted looking forest yards behind the ship.

But no, the beautiful scenery didn't stop me dead in my tracks, instead a girl that Ike seemed to be in a heated conversation did.


Almost instantly a burst of jealousy flamed within me. Before I could stop myself I was storming down the dock of the ship, however a hand on my arm yanked me back. The irrational thoughts disappeared and my glowing eyes turned to Kaiya.

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